Add a cmdlet to construct a command pipeline. For example, to construct a command string "get-process | sort-object", PowerShell shell = PowerShell.Create("get-process").AddCommand("sort-object"); AddCommand(String, Boolean) Add a cmdlet to construct a command pipeline. For example, to ...
PowerShell.Commands AddContentCommand AddHistoryCommand AddMemberCommand AddTypeCommand AddTypeCommand Constructors Properties AssemblyName CompilerOptions IgnoreWarnings Language LiteralPath MemberDefinition Name Namespace OutputAssembly OutputType PassThru Path ReferencedAssemblies TypeDefinition UsingNamespace Admin...
This command adds a value to the file even if the IsReadOnly file attribute is set to True. The steps to create a read-only file are included in the example.PowerShell Copy New-Item -Path .\IsReadOnlyTextFile.txt -ItemType File Set-ItemProperty -Path .\IsReadOnlyTextFile.txt -Name...
Run as Administrator:Thesetxcommand is only available starting from Windows 7 and requires elevated command prompt. Permanently add a directory to the userPATHvariable: C:\> setx path "%PATH%;C:\path\to\directory\" Permanently add a directory to the systemPATHvariable (for all users): C:\> ...
Add a piece of script to construct a command pipeline. For example, to construct a command string "get-process | foreach { $_.Name }" PowerShell shell = PowerShell.Create("get-process"). AddCommand("fo
The Add-Type cmdlet lets you define a Microsoft .NET Core class in your PowerShell session. You can then instantiate objects, by using the New-Object cmdlet, and use the objects just as you would use any .NET Core object. If you add an Add-Type command t
This command adds a value to the file even if the IsReadOnly file attribute is set to True. The steps to create a read-only file are included in the example.PowerShell Sao chép New-Item -Path .\IsReadOnlyTextFile.txt -ItemType File Set-ItemProperty -Path .\IsReadOnlyTextFile.txt ...
Module: ExchangePowerShell Applies to: Exchange Server 2010, Exchange Server 2013, Exchange Server 2016, Exchange Server 2019This cmdlet is available only in on-premises Exchange. Use the Add-ADPermission cmdlet to add permissions to an Active Directory object. For information about the parameter ...
PowerShell. get-pssnapin -registered In this case, the command does not return any snap-ins. This indicates that the ManagementFeatures snapin has not been registered on the system. The third command creates an alias, "installutil", for the path to the InstallUtil tool in the .NET ...
using the built in registry editor –regedit.exe. Windows NT also had thereg.execommand that allowed you to manage the registry programatically and you can still usew it today. You can also use the WMI to access WMI, as shown in this excerpt fromRichard Siddaway’...