Path of the script : C:\Temp\TestPS.ps1 Please note that we are running the above script from the System32 directory and the output path isC:\temp.To get the script directory, we can use the Split-Path command. for example, Split-Path$mypath-Parent To get the name of the script, ...
# Start of script $x = 2; $y = 3 Get-Power $x $y # Function defined in script function Get-Power([int]$x, [int]$y) { if ($y -gt 0) { return $x * (Get-Power $x (--$y)) } else { return 1 } } # End of script 在脚本中创建的变量 $x 和$y 的范围是该脚本的主...
Get-ChildItem-PathFunction:\Get-*Version If the functions were loaded as part of a module, you can unload the module to remove them. PowerShell Remove-Module-Name<ModuleName> TheRemove-Modulecmdlet removes PowerShell modules from memory in your current PowerShell session. It doesn't remove the...
script:- 说明名称存在于脚本作用域。脚本作用域是最近的上级脚本文件的作用域或全局作用域(如果没有最近的上级脚本文件)。 using:- 用于访问在远程会话、后台作业或线程作业中运行时在另一作用域中定义的变量。 workflow:- 说明名称存在在工作流内。 注意:PowerShell v6 及更高版本不支持工作流。
PS>Register-ScheduledJob-NameScheduledJob-ScriptBlock` {Get-Process}-Trigger(New-JobTrigger-Once-At"3 PM") Id Name JobTriggers Command Enabled -- --- --- --- ---1ScheduledJob1Get-ProcessTrue PowerShell PS> workflowTest-Workflow{
Update-Script Update-ScriptFileInfo 下载PDF 使用英语阅读 保存 Share via Facebookx.comLinkedIn电子邮件 打印 参考 模块: PowerShellGet 验证脚本的注释块。 语法 PowerShell Test-ScriptFileInfo[-Path] <String> [<CommonParameters>] PowerShell Test-ScriptFileInfo-LiteralPath<String> [<CommonParame...
PowerShellGet 尋找腳本。 Syntax PowerShell Find-Script[[-Name] <String[]>] [-MinimumVersion <String>] [-MaximumVersion <String>] [-RequiredVersion <String>] [-AllVersions] [-IncludeDependencies] [-Filter <String>] [-Tag <String[]>] [-Includes <String[]>] [-Command <String[]>] [-...
.\Get-ServiceLog.ps1-ServiceNameWinRM As a security feature, PowerShell does not run scripts when you double-click the script icon in File Explorer or when you type the script name without a full path, even when the script is in the current directory. For more information about running co...
TheMSFT_MpComputerStatusto get the description ofAMEngineVersion - The AM Engine version (major, minor, build, revision) or equivalent I want to get the description of the property in my script. Here is the list of properties:
Get-InstalledScript [[-Name] <String[]>] [-MinimumVersion <String>] [-RequiredVersion <String>] [-MaximumVersion <String>] [-AllowPrerelease] [<CommonParameters>]说明cmdlet Get-InstalledScript 为CurrentUser 和AllUsers 范围安装脚本。这是Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet 中cmdlet 的代理 Get-Insta...