Path of the script : C:\Temp\TestPS.ps1 Please note that we are running the above script from the System32 directory and the output path isC:\temp.To get the script directory, we can use the Split-Path command. for example, Split-Path$mypath-Parent To get the name of the script, ...
functionGet-MrPSVersion{$PSVersionTable} 运行脚本时,不会发生任何事情。 PowerShell .\Get-MrPSVersion.ps1 如果尝试调用函数,则会生成错误消息。 PowerShell Get-MrPSVersion Output Get-MrPSVersion : The term 'Get-MrPSVersion' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or...
模块: PowerShellGet 查找脚本。 语法PowerShell 复制 Find-Script [[-Name] <String[]>] [-MinimumVersion <String>] [-MaximumVersion <String>] [-RequiredVersion <String>] [-AllVersions] [-IncludeDependencies] [-Filter <String>] [-Tag <String[]>] [-Includes <String[]>] [-Command <...
$data | Where FirstName -eq Kevin Where()数组中有一个 Where() 方法,允许你为筛选器指定一个 scriptblock。PowerShell 复制 $data.Where({$_.FirstName -eq 'Kevin'}) 此功能是在 PowerShell 4.0 中添加的。更新循环中的对象对于值类型,更新数组的唯一方法是使用 for 循环,因为我们需要知道替换值的索...
because the hash of the file does not match the hash stored in the digital signature. The script cannot run on the specified system. For more information, run Get-Help about_Signing.. At line:1 char:1 + .\Install.ps1 + ~~~ + CategoryInfo : SecurityError: (...
functionGet-MyCommand{Get-Command@args } You can use all the parameters ofGet-Commandwhen you call theGet-MyCommandfunction. The parameters and parameter values are passed to the command using@args. PowerShell Get-MyCommand-NameGet-ChildItem ...
If the script has parameters, type the parameters and parameter values after the script filename. For example, the following command uses the ServiceName parameter of the Get-ServiceLog script to request a log of WinRM service activity.
The script block creates a new name by adding a number to the beginning of the filename.PowerShell Copy $iRef = [ref] 0 Get-ChildItem -File $setPath | Rename-Item -NewName { '{0} - {1}' -f $iRef.Value++,$_.Name }
Copy to static site instead of making blob public (#24269) (#24343) Update Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet to 1.1.0-preview2 (#24300) (#24337) Remove the MD5 branch in the strong name signing token calculation (#24288) (#24321) Update experimental-feature json files (#24271) (#...
Start-Job-NamePShellJob-ScriptBlock{Get-Process-NamePowerShell } Start-Job使用Name参数指定友好作业名称,PShellJob。ScriptBlock参数指定Get-Process获取名称为 PowerShell的进程。 示例7:使用后台作业收集和保存数据 此示例启动收集大量地图数据的作业,然后将其保存在.tif文件中。