While theLengthproperty returns the file size in bytes, it’s often more practical to display the size in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), or gigabytes (GB). Here’s how you can achieve that using PowerShell: $file = Get-Item "C:\MyFolder\IT_employees.csv" $size = $file.Length $s...
2] Get folder size in Bytes, MBs, and GBs The cmdlet will get you the size of the specified folder and the items inside only, and the results will not include the size of the items inside the sub-directories. For example, we will run a command to get the size of theC:\Users\Chi...
可以使用以下示例 PowerShell 脚本来删除未附加的磁盘。 磁盘检索仅限于 myDemoResourceGroup,因为在Get-AzDiskcmdlet 中使用了-ResourceGroupName开关。 Azure PowerShell复制 # Get all disks in resource group $azResourceGroup$allDisks=Get-AzDisk-ResourceGroupName$azResourceGroup# Determine the number of disk...
$netObject.Length # Display the size in bytes of the # file in the command line interface 等等,我們不是應該談談 COM 物件和 VBScript 轉換嗎?沒錯,但先看看下面的命令:複製 $comFileSystemObject = New-Object –ComObject Scripting.FileSystemObject 您會注意到語法基本上跟我之前從 .NET Framework 用來...
Download PowerShell. Windows PowerShell is an innovative and useful task-based command-line shell that also offers scripting language in the system...
# 获取所有磁盘信息$disks=Get-Disk# 输出每个磁盘的基本信息foreach($diskin$disks) {Write-Output"Disk$($disk.Number):$($disk.FriendlyName),$($disk.Size) bytes"# 获取该磁盘上的分区信息$partitions=Get-Partition-DiskNumber$disk.Numberforeach($partitionin$partitions) {Write-Output" Partition$($pa...
in the system$serverName="server-$(Get-Random)"# The sample database name$databaseName="myImportedDatabase"# The storage account name and storage container name$storageAccountName="sqlimport$(Get-Random)"$storageContainerName="importcontainer$(Get-Random)"# BACPAC file name$bacpacFilename="...
请注意,“#”在 Windows PowerShell 中用于表示行内注释。使用此新实例化的 FileInfo 对象,只要键入以下代码即可轻松获得 boot.ini 的大小: $netObject.Length # Display the size in bytes of the # file in the command line interface 等等,我们不是说要谈论 COM 对象和 VBScript 转换吗?没错,但请看以下...
包括所有子文件夹的大小,递归),这将非常简单,因为FileSystemObject folder.size属性直接给出了这个值。
$S = 'Server01', 'Server02', 'Server03' ForEach ($Server in $S) { Get-WinEvent -ListLog Application -ComputerName $Server | Select-Object LogMode, MaximumSizeInBytes, RecordCount, LogName, @{name='ComputerName'; expression={$Server}} | Format-Table -AutoSize ...