In this tutorial, I will explain how to get file sizes using PowerShell. As an IT professional working in the United States, I recently faced a challenge where I needed to determine the sizes of various files across multiple directories quickly. In PowerShell, it is easy to do. Let me e...
their sizes, and how many files they contain. The folders in the table can be sorted by size or number of files in the Out-GridView form. You can alsoexport the results to a CSV(| Export-Csv folder_size.csv) orto an Excel file. ...
A use-case where you may want to use PowerShell instead of the conventional way to get a folder would be if the size of the item or folder is significantly larger — for example, greater than 100 GB. In this case, using the conventional way can take a while for the folder Properties ...
System administrators need to know the storage size of the drives and folders on the server. So, that they can allocate or shrink the storage of the specified drives. Being a powerful administrator tool, PowerShell can get the file, folder, and drive storage size. There is no such dedicated...
# 选择一个磁盘(这里选择第一个磁盘,可以根据实际情况调整)$disk=Get-Disk-Number1# 创建一个新分区,大小为 10 GBNew-Partition-DiskNumber$disk.Number-UseMaximumSize|Format-Volume-FileSystemNTFS-NewFileSystemLabel"Data"-Confirm:$false 示例3: 删除分区 ...
Get-PSSubsystem Import-Module Invoke-Command Invoke-History New-Module New-ModuleManifest New-PSRoleCapabilityFile New-PSSession New-PSSessionConfigurationFile New-PSSessionOption New-PSTransportOption Out-Default Out-Host Out-Null Receive-Job Receive-PSSession ...
$DBDataFile = Get-Counter -Counter '\MSSQL$SQL2K8_01:Databases(*)\Data File(s) Size (KB)' -MaxSamples 1$DBDataFile.CounterSamples | where-object -FilterScript {($_.InstanceName -ne "_total")} | sort-object -Property InstanceName | format-table @{Label = "Database"; Expression=...
Get-Service-Namew32time |Select-Object-PropertyStatus, DisplayName, Can* Output Status : Running DisplayName : Windows Time CanPauseAndContinue : False CanShutdown : True CanStop : True 使用Format-Tablecmdlet 手动替代格式设置,并在表中而不是在列表中显示输出。
Get-AdminAuditLogConfig | FL UnifiedAuditLogIngestionEnabled UnifiedAuditLogestionEnabled 属性的 True 值表明已打开审核日志搜索。 必须在 Exchange Online 中为用户分配“仅查看审核日志”或“审核日志”角色,才能成功运行脚本。 默认情况下,这些角色是在 Exchange 管理中心中的“权限”页上被分配给“合规性管理...
Get-FileHash-Path "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\下载 (1).png"-Algorithm SHA512|Format-Table-AutoSize 4. 直接输出哈希值属性 如果你只对哈希值本身感兴趣,可以直接选择.Hash属性,这样就会输出完整的哈希值,而不包含其他信息。 powershellCopy Code ...