} } $size=("{0:N2}"-f ($subFolderItems.sum /1GB)) 保留小数点后两位$size=[math]::truncate($disk.size/1GB) 截取小数点,保留整数 $date=get-date).TOSTRING("yyyy-dd-MM")$servers= get-adcomputer -Filter{Name-Like"GAGA*"-orName-Like"WENDY*"} -SearchScope Subtree -SearchBase"DC=WEND...
I am relatively new to Powershell and trying to get to hands on experience of learning it. I am trying to list all files and folders but with their size in...
# 指定文件路径$filePath="C:\path\to\your\file.txt"# 定义支持的哈希算法列表$hashAlgorithms=@("SHA256","MD5","SHA1","SHA384","SHA512")# 遍历算法列表,为每种算法计算哈希值foreach($algorithmin$hashAlgorithms) {$hash=Get-FileHash-Path$filePath-Algorithm$algorithmWrite-Output"$algorithmhash ...
$DBLogFile = Get-Counter -Counter '\MSSQL$SQL2K8_01:Databases(*)\Log File(s) Size (KB)' -MaxSamples 1$DBLogFile.CounterSamples | where-object -FilterScript {($_.InstanceName -ne "_total")} | sort-object -Property InstanceName | format-table @{Label = "Database"; Expression={...
function Get-SmallFiles { Param($Size) Get-ChildItem $HOME | Where-Object { $_.Length -lt $Size -and !$_.PSIsContainer } } 在该函数中,可以使用 $Size 变量,该变量是为参数定义的名称。 若要使用此函数,请键入以下命令: PowerShell 复制 Get-SmallFiles -Size 50 还可以为没有参数名称的命名...
Drop this script into a directory in your path, and you can quickly find the sizes for directories in your file system. Remember that it outputs objects, so you can add tasks such as sort and filter, for example: Get-DirStats -Path C:\Temp | Sort-Object -Property Size ...
"KERNEL32!GETFILESIZE" = $global:g_doingIO;"KERNEL32!GETFILESIZEEX" = $global:g_doingIO;"KERNEL32!GETFULLPATHNAME" = $global:g_doingIO;"KERNEL32!GETTEMPFILENAME" = $global:g_doingIO;"KERNEL32!GETTEMPPATH" = $global:g_doingIO;"KERNEL32!LOCKFILE" = $global:g_doingIO;...
如果我运行 Help *file*,那么我只能获得 Out-File cmdlet(用于将文本发送到文件)的帮助,而不会从中进行读取。根本没有帮助!但是,Windows PowerShell cmdlet 名称遵循一种使用时对自己有利的逻辑。Windows PowerShell 进行检索时,cmdlet 名称通常以 Get 开始。因此我在运行 Help Get* 显示出那些 cmdlet 后,就接着...
Get-DirectorySize. The total size of a folder cannot be known, if all of the content is not known. The file count and subfolder count will, however, follow the path of the-Recurseparameter. Furthermore, since the Average File Size depends on the number of files found, the reported ...
Get-Module cmdlet 列出了已导入或可以导入到 PowerShell 会话中的 PowerShell 模块。 在没有参数的情况下,Get-Module 将获取已导入到当前会话的模块。 ListAvailable 参数用于列出可从 PSModulePath 环境变量 ($env:PSModulePath) 中指定的路径导入的模块。 Get-Module 返