Get-WmiObject Win32_nteventlogfile -Filter "logfilename like '%$strLog%'" | foreach { $_.sources } 上述代码针对应用程序日志,也可以用于其他日志。首先使用Write-Host cmdlet输出将要搜索的标题字符串,通过Get-WmiObject cmdlet查询Win32_nteventlogfile WMI类并筛选来源信息中包括事件日志名称的事件。最后...
TheGet-EventLogcmdlet uses theLogNameparameter to specify the System event log. TheNewestparameter returns the five most recent events. Example 3: Find all sources for a specific number of entries in an event log This example shows how to find all of the sources that are included in the 100...
Get-WinEvent [[-LogName] <String[]>] [-MaxEvents <Int64>] [-ComputerName <String>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-FilterXPath <String>] [-Force] [-Oldest] [<CommonParameters>]PowerShell 複製 Get-WinEvent [-ListLog] <String[]> [-ComputerName <String>] [-Credential <PSCredential>]...
it is beneficial to create new event log sources or even new event logs. This allows easier searching for events. Another benefit, in the case of new event logs, this enables custom management of event log size or other maintenance needs. In order...
"Get-AzureVM" Powershell Command not recognized in application after deploying to IIS. "Get-EventLog : Requested registry access is not allowed." is returned after adding a where-object filter. "Get-EventLog: Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation" - why?? "Get-WmiObject not supported...
ofGet-WinEventin PowerShell version 2.Get-EventLogonly works against the System, Application, and Security logs, and not the new ETL logs (Event Trace Logs) that were introduced withEvent Tracing for Windows(ETW) in Windows 7, which contain information from a much wider variety of sources ...
Get-WinEventlists event logs and event log providers. To interrupt the command, pressCTRL+C. You can get events from selected logs or from logs generated byselected event providers. And, you can combine events from multiple sources in a single command.Get-WinEventallows you to filter events ...
这里是我使用的命令: Get-EventLog -ComputerName [computername] -LogName Application -newest 100 我希望命令能够收集远程计算机上的所有信息,然后将其一串地发回给我,但它似乎没有这样做。当我通常执行命令并使用类似 浏览3提问于2011-04-15得票数 4...
4、显示文本内容:Get-Content test.txt。 5、设置文本内容:Set-Content test.txt-Va l u e''hello,word! ''。 6、追加内容:Add-Content light.txt-Value ''i love you ''。 7、清除内容:Clear-Content test.txt。 请参考powershell在线教程: ...
Enabling protected event logging doesn’t automatically enable event sources such as PowerShell script block logging. If an application cannot properly resolve the encryption certificate during logging, it will log a warning message into its event log channel, and then continue to log the data ...