assuming the event log source already exists. The developer can choose to write the code in a try / catch block with error handling to alternatively write to a standard event log, text file, database log, etc. according to their design, but that is out of scope for this post....
CreateEventLog.ps1脚本创建事件日志,其代码如下: $strProcess = get-WmiObject win32_process | select-object name | out-string $source = "ps_script" $log = "PS_Script_Log" if(![system.diagnostics.eventlog]::sourceExists($source,".")) { [system.diagnostics.eventlog]::CreateEventSource($sourc...
Write-EventLog Write-EventLog -Source "SupperSocketService" -LogName "TestLog" -Message "test on 20180928" -EventId 3001 New-EventLog This command was used to create a new source New-EventLog -Source "SupperSocketService" -LogName "TestLog" -MessageResourceFile "C:\Test\TestApp.dll" Remov...
To create a new source for an event log, administrative privileges are required. But the nice thing is that you only have to do this once for the source. When it is installed on the computer, you don’t have to worry about it again. Additionally, you can leverage Windows PowerShell to...
Write-EventLog -LogName "newgen" -Source "New_eventlog" -EventId 1001 -EntryType Information -Message " log entry." To check specified event logs, execute the provided command: Get-WinEvent -LogName "newgen" Next, to clear all entities of the event logs use the “Clear-Eventlog” cmdle...
由於大部分的 .NET 類別都包含在 System 命名空間中,所以如果 PowerShell 找不到您指定之 typename 的相符專案,則 PowerShell 會自動嘗試尋找您在 System命名空間中指定的類別。 這表示您可以指定Diagnostics.EventLog而非System.Diagnostics.EventLog。 將物件儲存在變數中 ...
源IP目标IP协议Source PortDestination Port方向操作优先级 * * All * * 入站 Allow 100 * * All * * 出站 Allow 110在此示例中,将创建一个包含两条规则的网络安全组:AllowAll_Inbound - 允许所有网络流量进入配置了此网络安全组的网络接口。 AllowAllOutbound - 允许所有流量从网络接口传出。 由资源 ID“...
Next, we create the Backup-EventLogs function: Копирај Function Backup-EventLogs { We use the Win32_NTEventLogFile WMI class to perform the actual backup. To do this, we call the Get-WmiObject cmdlet and give it the class name of Win32_NTEventLogFile as well as the computer...
[0].TargetObject$err=$err+" Error Message: "+$error[0].Exception.Message$err=$err+" Error Message: "+$error[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId$log=New-ObjectSystem.Diagnostics.EventLog('Application')$log.set_source("MyScript")$log.WriteEntry($err) }Trap{# Handle the errorErr_Handler# End the ...
事件日志: Win32_NtLogEvent 登录账户: Win32_LoggedOnUser 共享: Win32_Share 已安装补丁: Win32_QuickFixEngineering 比如这里获取到的补丁信息: PSC:Usersrootclay>Get-WmiObject-ClassWin32_QuickFixEngineering WMI触发器 WMI用处可以说是非常的多,但是我们不能一一列举,我们就用一个wmi在攻防中用的最神化的...