Get-Date -DisplayHint Date 1. 获得系统当前的时间 Get-Date -DisplayHint Time 1. 获得年份 (Get-Date).Year 1. 获得日期对象后,将日期减少1天 (Get-Date).Date.AddDays(-1).ToString('u') 1. 以GUI方式设置日期时间# 注意:只有在有GUI的计算机才可以使用 timedate.cpl 1. 获得时区# Get-Timezone ...
} $TimeZones = Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\Eastern Standard Time" $TZI = $TimeZones.TZI $standardDate = ConverterTZI $TZI 12 "standardDate" $daylightDate = ConverterTZI $TZI 28 "daylightDate" $standardDate.tostring() $daylightDate.tostring()...
$F_TimeZoneInformation.standardName = $arg_TimeZone.GetValue("Std") $F_TimeZoneInformation.standardDate = ConverterTZI $F_TZI 12 "standardDate" $F_TimeZoneInformation.standardBias = [BitConverter]::ToInt32($F_TZI, 4) $F_TimeZoneInformation.daylightName = $arg_TimeZone.GetValue("Dlt") $...
yyyy Year in 4-digit format HH:mm Time in 24-hour format - no seconds K Time zone offset from Universal Time Coordinate (UTC)For more information about .NET format specifiers, see Custom date and time format strings.Example 4: Get the date and time with a UFormat specifierIn...
Get-Process Get-PSDrive Get-PSProvider Get-Service 仅限Windows Get-TimeZone 仅限Windows Get-Transaction 仅限Windows Get-WmiObject 仅限Windows Invoke-Item Invoke-WmiMethod 仅限Windows Join-Path Limit-EventLog 仅限Windows Move-Item Move-ItemProperty New-EventLog 仅限Windows New-Item New...
In PowerShell, use[System.TimeZone]and invoke theConvertTimeBySystemZoneIDstatic method, which returns the date-time value of the given time zone!In PowerShell, use[System.TimeZone]and invoke theConvertTimeBySystemZoneIDstatic method, which returns the date-time value of ...
PS>Get-TimeZoneId : Pacific Standard Time DisplayName : (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) StandardName : Pacific Standard Time DaylightName : Pacific Daylight Time BaseUtcOffset :-08:00:00SupportsDaylightSavingTime : True PS> (Get-Date-Date"2020-01-01T00:00:00").Kind Unspecified ...
默认情况下,Get-Date 将返回该时区的值。 使用 AsUTC 参数将值转换为 UTC 等效时间。PowerShell 复制 PS> Get-TimeZone Id : Pacific Standard Time DisplayName : (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) StandardName : Pacific Standard Time DaylightName : Pacific Daylight Time BaseUtcOffset : -...
Get-CimInstance-ClassNameWin32_Desktop 输出 SettingID Name ScreenSaverActive ScreenSaverSecure ScreenSaverTimeout --- --- --- --- --- NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM False DESKTOP-CSSMBDR\Admin False .DEFAULT False 2.列出BIOS信息 命令 Get-CimInstance-ClassNameWin32_BIOS 输出 ...