Example 1: Get the current time zonePowerShell نسخ Get-TimeZoneThis command gets the current time zone.Example 2: Get time zones that match a specified stringPowerShell نسخ Get-TimeZone -Name "*pac*" Pacific Standard Time (Mexico) (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & ...
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem:获取计算机系统信息,如制造商、型号、主机名等。 Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_BIOS:获取计算机的 BIOS 信息,如制造商、版本等。 获取操作系统信息: Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem:获取操作系统信息,如名称、版本、安装日期等。 Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_...
CSDVersion {get;} CSName Property string CSName {get;} CurrentTimeZone Property int16 CurrentTimeZone {get;} DataExecutionPrevention_32BitApplications Property bool DataExecutionPrevention_32BitApplications {get;} DataExecutionPrevention_Available Property bool DataExecutionPrevention_Available...
SetNotCurrent() sets the value of the Current property to False. SetCurrent() does the opposite and sets the value of Cuurent to True. SetTimeZone() uses tzutil to set current time zone. The time zone name is taken from the TimeZone property of the object – notice the use of $this...
I have data retrieved from an external source that contains different time zone IDs like W. Europe Standard Time, AUS Eastern Standard Time, etc. How can I get the current date time value of it by using PowerShell? In PowerShell, use[System.TimeZone]and invoke theCon...
); final LocalDateTime localDateTime = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(new Date().toInstant(), ZoneId....
比如: 熟悉 PowerShell 别名后就很容易猜到 sal 别名指的是 Set-Alias , 又比如gcm等同于Get-Command PS 支持几种其他类型的命令: 别名: Alias 功能: Function 脚本: Script 命令: Cmdlet Tips : PowerShell 命令是一个通用术语,通常用于指代 PowerShell 中任何类型的命令,不管是 cmdlet、函数还是别名。
Get-ComputerInfo Get-Content Get-HotFix Get-Item Get-ItemProperty Get-ItemPropertyValue Get-Location Get-Process Get-PSDrive Get-PSProvider Get-Service Get-TimeZone Invoke-Item Join-Path Move-Item Move-ItemProperty New-Item New-ItemProperty New-PSDrive New-Service Pop-Location Push-Location Remove-Item...
Next, I started thinking of all the data that I wanted to capture. I know I will need the Win32_TimeZone WMI class. Because in the past, we always checked for current time, I will also query the Win32_LocalTime. Therefore, here is the start of the processing part of t...
此示例演示如何将日期值解释为其 UTC 等效值。 例如,此计算机设置为太平洋标准时间。 默认情况下,Get-Date将返回该时区的值。 使用AsUTC参数将值转换为 UTC 等效时间。 PowerShell PS>Get-TimeZoneId : Pacific Standard Time DisplayName : (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) StandardName : Pacific ...