# 导入用户列表$userList=Import-Csv-Path"C:\UsersToReset.csv"foreach($userin$userList) {$newPassword="NewP@ssw0rd"# 可以生成随机密码$securePassword=ConvertTo-SecureString$newPassword-AsPlainText-ForceSet-ADAccountPassword-Identity$user.SamAccountName-NewPassword$securePassword-Reset# 要求用户更改密码...
$folder = New-Item -Type Directory -Path $HOME\Documents\PowerShell\Modules 將整個模組資料夾複製到新建立的資料夾。 在 PowerShell 中, Copy-Item 使用Cmdlet。 例如,執行下列命令,將 MyModule 資料夾從 C:\PSTest 複製到您剛才建立的資料夾: PowerShell 複製 Copy-Item -Path C:\PSTest\MyModule -...
function Get-HexDump($path, $width = 10, $bytes = -1) { $OFS = "" Get-Content -encoding byte $path -readCount $width -totalCount $bytes | ForEach-Object { $characters = $_ if (($characters -eq 0).count -ne $width) { $hex = $characters | ForEach-Object { " " + ("{0...
# If npm install fails, the node_modules directory is removednpm install ||Remove-Item-Recurse./node_modules 有关详细信息,请参阅About_Pipeline_Chain_Operators。 范围运算符.. 范围运算符可用于表示顺序整数或字符的数组。 范围运算符联接的值定义了范围的开始值和结束值。
You can use get-content cmdlet to get employee folder path. Then use foreach-object cmdlet to move these folders to another directory in a loop. Refer the link below: /en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/foreach-object?view=powershell-6 /en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powe...
You're probably more than familiar with drive and folder navigation in Cmd.exe—type C: to switch to the C drive, and type cd \test to change into the C:\Test folder. Windows PowerShell works in exactly the same way, although cd is just an alias for the Set-Location cmdlet....
则创建根文件夹If((Test-Path$folderPath)-eq$False) { Write-Host"开始创建日志文件夹...---"-ForegroundColor Green New-Item -path$Location-name$folderName-itemType"directory"Write-Host"创建日志文件夹完毕...---"-ForegroundColor Green }#***创建一个日志文件yyyy-MM-dd...
Now, by navigating to the Databases folder under an instance of SQL Server, you can use the following command to send the list of databases to a web page for anyone in your organization to view: PowerShell Copy PS> dir | select name, CompatibilityLevel, RecoveryModel, Size, SpaceAvailable...
There are a lot of different things you can put in your profile; we’re going to do a couple of simple things to show you how it works. You might notice when you start Windows PowerShell that you always start out in the same folder. For example, on Windows Vista, by default, you ...