PowerShell $i=0foreach($fileinGet-ChildItem) {if($file.length-gt100KB) {Write-Host$file'file size:'($file.length /1024).ToString('F0') KB$i=$i+1} }if($i-ne0) {Write-HostWrite-Host$i' file(s) over 100KB in the current directory.'}else{Write-Host'No files greater than 100...
Write-Output ("$($file.DirectoryName) last backup time - " + (Get-Content $file.FullName)) } Once the script is executed in your PowerShell session, you should see a similar output to the screenshot below. This shows that PowerShell loop through files, read the contents and display th...
前提条件 1)后期利用期间可以通过目标NTLM身份验证 2)重启WinRM服务 3)使用此NTLM支持PowerShell Docker镜像到Linux的PS-Remote,您可以从Linux到Windows...进行PS远程到Windows。...现在唯一的问题是,用于Linux的PowerShell核心(撰写本文时...
powershell读取文件,再转换文件编码为utf8,有中文字符乱码,代码片段如下:$folderPath = "Z:\workspace\rk3658NvrEx\modules\basickit\include\basickit\logger" $fileList = Get-ChildItem -Path $folderPath -Filter "*.h" -Recurse foreach ($file in $fileList) { # 处理每个文本文件的逻辑 W... 在你的...
$file 变量包含由 Get-ChildItem cmdlet 返回的对象中的所有属性。因此,返回的结果不止只 有文件名。在下一示例中,Windows PowerShell 将在语句列表中返回长度和上次访问时间: foreach ($file in Get-ChildItem) { if ($file.length -gt 100k) {
下面是对您的解决方案(PSv 4+)的PowerShell惯用的重新表述,它的性能应该会更好。但是请注意,它假设...
下面是对您的解决方案(PSv 4+)的PowerShell惯用的重新表述,它的性能应该会更好。但是请注意,它假设...
模組: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core 針對輸入物件集合中的每個項目執行作業。語法PowerShell 複製 ForEach-Object [-InputObject <PSObject>] [-Begin <ScriptBlock>] [-Process] <ScriptBlock[]> [-End <ScriptBlock>] [-RemainingScripts <ScriptBlock[]>] [-WhatIf] [-Confir...
In PowerShell there's a keyword called foreach that's used for looping over collections such as arrays (technically pipelines). The cmdlet ForEach-Object is used for processing objects coming in via the pipeline. These objects are found in the special variable "$_" inside the (process) scri...