To run an executable file that's in the current directory, specify the full path or use the relative path .\ to represent the current directory. For example, to run the FindDocs.ps1 file in the current directory, type: .\FindDocs.ps1 If you don't specify a path, PowerShell uses the...
將遞迴修正到 OneDrive - 變更 FindFirstFileEx() 以使用 SafeFindHandle 類型 (#10405) 如果NVDA 螢幕助讀程式為作用中,即會略過在 Windows 上自動載入 PSReadLine (#10385) 將使用 PowerShell 建置的模組版本增加至 (#10356) 如果具有相同名稱的類型已經存在,Add-Type 新增擲回錯誤 (#9609) (感謝...
PowerShell 支持每个进程多个运行空间。 每个运行空间都有自己的当前目录。 这与当前进程的工作目录不同:[System.Environment]::CurrentDirectory。 .NET 方法使用进程工作目录。 PowerShell cmdlet 使用 Runspace 位置。 此外,.NET 方法仅适用于本机文件系统路径,而不适用于 PowerShell Path 对象。 若要将 PowerShell...
DIR [drive:][path][filename] [/A[[:]attributes]] [/B] [/C] [/D] [/L] [/N] [/O[[:]sortorder]] [/P] [/Q] [/R] [/S] [/T[[:]timefield]] [/W] [/X] [/4] [drive:][path][filename] Specifies drive, directory, and/or files to list. /A Displays files with s...
Find-Module-name QRcodeGenerator |Save-Module-Path C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\ 获取一个Module中的命令 Get-Command -ModuleQRCodeGenerator -noun QR* CommandType Name Version Source --- --- --- ---AliasNew-QRCodeGeolocation2.6.0QRCodeGeneratorAliasNew-QRCodeText2.6.0QR...
Windows PowerShell Tip: Finding All the Empty Folders in a Directory Tree Windows PowerShell Tip: Formatting Numbers and Dates Using the CultureInfo Object Windows PowerShell Tip: Getting Information About the Logged-On User Windows PowerShell Tip: Getting Rid of a COM Object (Once and For All...
Find more tips in theWindows PowerShell Tip of the Week archive. Awhile back one of ourweekly tipsexplained how to use Windows PowerShell to determine the size of a folder. That was one of the worst mistakes the Scripting Guys have ever made. Not because the approach we presented was wro...
>> foreach ($item in $haystack) >> { >> if($item -eq $target) >> { >> return $item >> } >> } >> } >> PS C:\> Find-Object 5 (2..19) 5 PS C:\> Find-Object 5 (7..19) PS C:\>需要强调的是输出对象与将对象写到控制台之间的区别,前者是将对象传递到输出流中的动作...
Switch ($action) { "L" {GetAllClasses ; Exit} "M" {GetMandatory($class) ; Exit} "O" {GetOptional($class) ; Exit} "F" {FindClasses($class) ; Exit} DEFAULT { "$action is not a valid action." ; GetHelp ; Exit} } Das ist schon alles. Es gibt keinen Active Directory Browser...
ActiveDirectory.Management Assembly: Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.dll C# 复制 [System.ComponentModel.RunInstaller(true)] public class ActiveDirectoryPowerShellSnapIn : System.Management.Automation.PSSnapIn Inheritance PSSnapIn ActiveDirectoryPowerShellSnapIn Attributes RunInstallerAttribute Constructor...