搜索目录(search Directory/folder) functionsearchDirectories { <# .synopsis 从当前目录开始递归查找具有指定名称的目录 .Example searchDirectories 'css' searchDirectories -Dir $env:blogs -pattern css #> param( $pattern, $Dir='./' ) # $wildPattern="*$pattern*" ...
This Script retrieves information from Active-Directory. It’s got a few Parameters and Switches that allows us to specify what to search for and how to Return the objects found. You can choose which information to return through the Property parameter, you can Save the Informa...
(A good thing to know if you want to search for objects in just the Finance OU and its child OUs.)After we have a DirectoryEntry object (and a starting location for our search) we use this line of code to create an instance of the System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher class:...
(A good thing to know if you want to search for objects in just the Finance OU and its child OUs.)After we have a DirectoryEntry object (and a starting location for our search) we use this line of code to create an instance of the System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher class:...
You can do this with PowerShell.To do this, you would have to get all the folders in the directory tree, and for each of them, see if they match and if they do, rename them according to your scheme.Something along the lines of this should do.prettyprint 复制 ...
最后之后删除机密的邮件的一个数的 Internet 消息板上,得到编码的响应的 deciphered 时, 指定给我们的 ADSI Scriptomatic实际上是在 Active Directory 浏览器。 和,不调用在 Active Directory 浏览器和其目的不实际浏览 (它帮助您创建 ADSI 脚本) 的 Active Directory,因此我决定编写 Windows powershell 脚本,将...
[ ] Active Directory 权限管理服务器 ADRMS-Server Available [ ] 联合身份验证支持 ADRMS-Identity Available [ ] Active Directory 联合身份验证服务 ADFS-Federation Available [ ] Active Directory 轻型目录服务 ADLDS Available [ ] Active Directory 域服务 AD-Domain-Services Available ...
创建一个新目录最方便的方式是使用MD函数它是mkdir的别名,它内部调用的是New-Item命令,指定参数–type的值为Directory: PS C:\PowerShell> md testdir Directory: C:\PowerShell Mode LastWriteTime Length Name --- --- --- --- d--- 2021/9/24 13:38 testdir PS C:\PowerShell> md .\testdir\...
that when one string value is supplied to the DirectorySearcher class for a constructor the value is interpreted as the filter. Therefore, [adsisearcher]”” specifies a filter that has no characters in it. The good thing is that the searchroot is automatically set to the root ...