请改用以下 PowerShell 脚本在目录中搜索 microsoft.graph.user 类型的已删除对象: PowerShell 复制 $DeletedUsers = Get-MgDirectoryDeletedItem -DirectoryObjectId microsoft.graph.user -Property '*' $DeletedUsers = $DeletedUsers.AdditionalProperties['value'] foreach ($del...
$DeletedUsers=Get-MgDirectoryDeletedItem-DirectoryObjectIdmicrosoft.graph.user-Property'*'$DeletedUsers=$DeletedUsers.AdditionalProperties['value']foreach($deletedUserin$DeletedUsers) {$deletedUser|Format-Table} 假設目錄中存在任何已刪除的用戶物件,此腳本的輸出看起來會像這樣: ...
Azure Active Directory (AzureAD) PowerShell 模块即将弃用,并替换为 Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK。 可以使用 Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK 访问所有 Microsoft Graph API。 有关详细信息,请参阅Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK 入门。 另请参阅安装 Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK和从 Azure AD PowerShell 升...
Kevin 會逐步引導我們在 Microsoft Azure 中使用 PowerShell 啟動、停止和刪除 VM,遵循 使用 PowerShell 在 Azure 中建立 Windows 虛擬機器檔。
Microsoft Azure Backup Are you sure you want to remove this backup policy? This will delete all the backed up data. [Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"): 若要認可原則物件已完成,請使用Set-OBPolicyCmdlet。 系統將提示您進行確認。
Did some looking around and Microsoft stated to delete the server from the vault. The server is still online, but the azure backup utility has no way of unregistering itself from the azure account that I could find. I am able to hit a delete button in the portal for the server, but af...
若要與 Microsoft Azure 指導方針一致,應簡化所有 URL。Key As Segment中包含的變更可以讓單一機碼以區段方式表示。 請注意,使用多個機碼值的參照需要像以前一樣,以逗點分隔值並使用括號括住。 在這一版的 PSWS 之前, 執行建立、更新或刪除作業的唯一方式是叫用位於最上層資源的 Post、Put 或 Delete。 這一...
Remove-AzureRmVm -Name "LinuxVM" -Force -ResourceGroupName "ARMGROUP"Recreating the VM from the Original VHD:Define Resource Group and Location:$rgName="<Resource Group>" $location="<Location>"Create a new VM config:$vmName="<VM Name>" $vmSize="<VM Size>" $vmc = ...
Azure Portal用户界面有一个"Delete“选项,但是它是灰色的,没有任何解释。我尝试过“查找用户”屏幕,我尝试过“快速概述屏幕”,我尝试过“管理->用户和组->所有用户”。所有相同的事情,“删除”被禁用,没有任何解释。我也试过了Powershell。我将AzureRM和Azur 浏览0提问于2016-12-17得票数 1 回答已采纳 1...
. Hello Everybody, i want to ask if someone have an idea how i can set the tasks for delegating data of an removed-user to another person by PowerShell (or Flow) I want to set these steps by Po... It is, however you will have to use cmdlets from different Po...