若要执行此示例脚本,需要正确安装 Azure PowerShell。使用管理员权限打开 PowerShell 窗口,并运行 Install-Module -Name Az 以安装 Azure PowerShell示例脚本PowerShell 复制 # Delete an App Configuration store Remove-AzAppConfigurationStore -Name <store-name> -ResourceGroupName <resource-group-name> 脚本...
此示例应用 Azure 防火墙管理器在保护虚拟 WAN 中的连接时生成的默认配置,但可以更改静态路由中的前缀列表以满足特定要求:Azure PowerShell 复制 # Create static routes in default Route table $AzFWId = $(Get-AzVirtualHub -ResourceGroupName $RG -name $HubName).AzureFirewall.Id $AzFWRoute = New-A...
可以使用 Azure PowerShell 直接部署 Azure 资源,也可以部署资源管理器模板来创建 Azure 资源。部署资源以下脚本创建一个存储帐户。Azure PowerShell 复制 打开Cloud Shell $resourceGroupName = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the Resource Group name" $location = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the location (i.e. ...
在磁盘配置位置,勾选“Delete with VM”: 在网络配置位置勾选“Delete with VM”: 第二中方式则是使用Powersell脚本的方式进行删除: 我们可以通过编写对应的Powershell脚本来实现在删除VM的时候删除与其关联的磁盘和网卡资源,具体大家可以参考如下的PS脚本: $StopVMs=Get-AzVM|Select-ObjectName,ResourceGroupName,@{...
Azure PowerShell 複製 開啟Cloud Shell $resourceGroupName = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the Resource Group name" $storageAccountName = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the storage account name" New-AzResourceLock -LockName LockStorage -LockLevel CanNotDelete -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Resource...
Remove-AzureRmVm -Name "LinuxVM" -Force -ResourceGroupName "ARMGROUP"Recreating the VM from the Original VHD:Define Resource Group and Location:$rgName="<Resource Group>" $location="<Location>"Create a new VM config:$vmName="<VM Name>" $vmSize="<VM Size>" $vmc = ...
可以使用适用于 Microsoft 365 的 PowerShell 删除和还原用户帐户。 备注 了解如何使用 Microsoft 365 管理中心还原用户帐户。 有关其他资源的列表,请参阅管理用户和组。 使用Microsoft Graph PowerShell 删除用户帐户 备注 Azure Active Directory (AzureAD) PowerShell 模块即将弃用,并替换为 Microsoft Graph PowerShell...
Add mapping to azurelinux repo (#24290) Update vpack pipeline (#24281) Add BaseUrl to buildinfo json file (#24376) Delete the msix blob if it's already there (#24353) Make some release tests run in a hosted pools (#24270) Create new pipeline for compliance (#24252) Use Managed ...
Go to that resource from Azure portal and disable the diagnostic settings or application Insight settings which is using the EH entity. Recommendation: If you want to delete the EventHub entity or namespace, you should check whether none of the resource from thisdocumentare streamin...
Add mapping to azurelinux repo (#24290) Update vpack pipeline (#24281) Add BaseUrl to buildinfo json file (#24376) Delete the msix blob if it's already there (#24353) Make some release tests run in a hosted pools (#24270) Create new pipeline for compliance (#24252) Use Managed ...