If the parameter is not included in a command, Windows PowerShell considers the value of the parameter to be false. Do not define Boolean parameters.If your parameter needs to differentiate between 3 values: $true, $false and "unspecified", then define a parameter of type Nullable<bool>...
Un elemento que tiene la propiedad AllScope está visible en el ámbito secundario y forma parte de ese ámbito. Los cambios en el elemento de cualquier ámbito afectan a todos los ámbitos en los que se define la variable.Administración del ámbitoVarios cmdlets tienen un parámetro ...
PowerShell 複製 param( [ValidateDrive("C", "D", "Variable", "Function")] [string]$Path ) ValidateUserDrive 驗證屬性ValidateUserDrive 屬性會指定參數值必須在磁碟驅動器中User表示。 如果路徑參考不同的磁碟驅動器,PowerShell 會產生錯誤。 驗證屬性只會測試路徑的磁碟驅動器前置詞是否存在。
# Functions to define when applied to a session FunctionDefinitions = @{ 'Name' = 'Get-Function' 'Options' = 'ReadOnly' 'ScriptBlock' = {Get-Command -CommandType Function} } # Variables to define when applied to a session VariableDefinitions = @{ 'Name' = 'WarningPrefer...
To declare parameters for a cmdlet, you must first define the properties that represent the parameters. To inform the Windows PowerShell runtime that a property is a cmdlet parameter, you add a ParameterAttribute attribute to the property definition....
I define a custom function named Ping-Address that accepts a computer name or IP address and returns a True or False value depending on whether the computer is pingable. I use this function a lot in my work, so having it defined in my profile makes it globally available in my shell. ...
The PROCESS script block deals with that input automatically—I didn't have to define any input arguments to contain the input. I start the process on line 3 by setting the variable $ping to $false, which is a built-in Windows PowerShell variable that represents the Boolean value False....
Like pipeline-oriented functions, theForeach-Objectcmdlet lets you define commands to execute before the looping begins, during the looping, and after the looping completes: PS > "a","b","c" | Foreach-Object ` -Begin { "Starting"; $counter = 0 } ` -Process { "Processing $_"; $cou...
script is, in effect, dot-sourced, so any variables, functions, and the like that you define in a profile script remain available in the PowerShell session, which is incredibly handy. I use profiles to create PowerShell drives, various useful variables, and a few useful (for me!) ...
First, define a$testvariable in the global scope. PowerShell $test="Global" Next, create aSample.ps1script that defines the$testvariable. In the script, use a scope modifier to refer to either the global or local versions of the$testvariable. ...