第五个命令使用ConvertTo-SecureStringcmdlet 将变量中的$Encrypted加密标准字符串转换回安全字符串。 它将结果保存在 变量中$Secure2。 第六个命令显示变量的值$Secure2。 SecureString 类型指示命令已成功。 示例2:从文件中的加密字符串Create安全字符串
Syntax:ConvertTo-SecureString[-String]SomeStringConvertTo-SecureString[-String]SomeString[-SecureKeySecureString]ConvertTo-SecureString[-String]SomeString[-KeyByte[]]ConvertTo-SecureString[-String]SomeString[-AsPlainText][-Force]–StringStringThestringto convert to a SecureString –SecureKeySecureStringEncrypt...
Greg Moore demonstrates how to work with the Get-Credential PowerShell cmdlet and secure strings when authenticating to an SFTP server.
ToString Method string ToString() Domain Property string Domain {get;set;} Password Property string Password {get;set;} SecurePassword Property securestring SecurePassword {get;set;} UserName Property string UserName {get;set;} I see the password has aSecureStringfor theSecurePasswordproperty, but th...
Activity to invoke the Microsoft.PowerShell.Security\ConvertFrom-SecureString command in a Workflow. ConvertToSecureString Activity to invoke the Microsoft.PowerShell.Security\ConvertTo-SecureString command in a Workflow. GetAcl Activity to invoke the Microsoft.PowerShell.Security\Get-Acl command in a...
These commands create a new credential object (for the CachedUser user) and store that object in the $credential variable. When reading the solution, you might at first be wary of storing a password on disk. While it is natural (and prudent) to be cautious of littering your hard drive wi...
Due to security constraints, Windows PowerShell is designed not to run any script from the current folder, thereby preventing any script from hijacking an operating system command. For example, I can't create a script named dir.ps1 and have it override the normal dir command. If I need to...
The second command uses theRead-Hostcmdlet to create a secure string from user input. ThePromptparameter requests user input, and theAsSecureStringparameter masks the input and converts it to a secure string. The third command uses theNew-Objectcmdlet to create aPSCredentialobject from the value...
[Cmdlet( "Verb", "Noun", SupportsShouldProcess = true )] public class Verb_Noun : PSCmdlet { [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = true, HelpMessage = "Parameter" )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty] [Alias( "param" )] public string Parameter { get { return My...
Provides access to the SecureKey parameter. C++ 複製 public: property System::Activities::InArgument<System::Security::SecureString ^> ^ SecureKey { System::Activities::InArgument<System::Security::SecureString ^> ^ get(); void set(System::Activities::InArgument<System::Security::SecureStr...