Example 1: Create a secure string PowerShell $SecureString=Read-Host-AsSecureString This command creates a secure string from characters that you type at the command prompt. After entering the command, type the string you want to store as a secure string. An asterisk (*) is displayed to repr...
The second command uses the Read-Host cmdlet to create a secure string from user input. The Prompt parameter requests user input, and the AsSecureString parameter masks the input and converts it to a secure string.The third command uses the New-Object cmdlet to create a PSCredential object ...
public: property System::Activities::InArgument<System::Security::SecureString ^> ^ SecureKey { System::Activities::InArgument<System::Security::SecureString ^> ^ get(); void set(System::Activities::InArgument<System::Security::SecureString ^> ^ value); }; Property Value InArgument<SecureS...
Greg Moore demonstrates how to work with the Get-Credential PowerShell cmdlet and secure strings when authenticating to an SFTP server.
Activity to invoke the Microsoft.PowerShell.Security\ConvertFrom-SecureString command in a Workflow. ConvertToSecureString Activity to invoke the Microsoft.PowerShell.Security\ConvertTo-SecureString command in a Workflow. GetAcl Activity to invoke the Microsoft.PowerShell.Security\Get-Acl command in a...
the FTP site so that I can download a file that changes on a daily basis. I found a few scripts and functions on the Internet that will decrypt the secure string password from a Windows PowerShell credential object, but they all seem really complicated. Is there an easy way to do this...
WhenEnable-PSRemotingrestores the default session configuration, it does not create explicit security descriptors for the configurations. Instead, the configurations inherit the security descriptor of theRootSDDL, which is secure by default. To see theRootSDDLsecurity descriptor, type: ...
The Select-String command will accept a file path full of text files, a regular expression, or a simple string to look for. It will then output each line from each log file that matches the regular expression or simple string. To begin my task, I simply wanted to get every line contain...
与SharePoint Foundation 相比,SharePoint 2010 包含更多应用程序服务,例如 Excel Services、InfoPath Services、Secure Storage、State Service、Microsoft Visio 和 PerformancePoint。因此,在 SharePoint Server 场上,有更多 cmdlet 可用于创建、处理和删除应用程序服务对象。 执行基本管理任务 安装SharePoint 时需要两种类型...