I was working on a project in which I had to create a script to do some solution deployment, site creations etc., and while doing these the script shoul create log file to log entire process. This is a sample script which i worked out and could be useful to all needy.This...
首先使用Write-Host cmdlet输出将要搜索的标题字符串,通过Get-WmiObject cmdlet查询Win32_nteventlogfile WMI类并筛选来源信息中包括事件日志名称的事件。最后使用管道传递给ForEach-Object cmdlet以逐个输出来源名称,执行结果如图1所示。 图1 执行结果 (2)修改事件日志设置 存档策略对于系统日志很重要,不同策略决定留存的...
有关配置此日志记录的详细信息,请参阅about_PowerShell_Config。 如果通过配置启用模块日志记录,可以通过设置模块的LogPipelineExecutionDetails属性的值来为会话中的特定模块启用和禁用日志记录。 例如,若要为PSReadLine模块启用模块日志记录,请执行以下操作: PowerShell $psrl=Get-ModulePSReadLine$psrl.LogPipelineExe...
The basic syntax for declaring the attribute is [Alias("alias")]. In my example, I create an alias called Filename that applies to the Name parameter, like so:复制 private string _name = "PowerShellIsolatedStore"; /// <summary>name of store</summary> [Alias("Filename")] [Parameter...
Figure 1** To avoid command hijacking, Windows PowerShell requires a path to your script **(Click the image for a larger view)This is another aspect of the Windows PowerShell security model. One trick malicious users commonly attempt in other shells is creating a script with the same file ...
I have a powershell logon script defined in GP User Configuration. The script creates a log file at logon so I know that it's running. The problem is it's not visible. I want it to be visible so the users know it is running. I have "Display instructions in logon scripts as they...
expression-<string>或<script block> ascending或descending-<boolean> 有关详细信息,请参阅about_Calculated_Properties。 类型:Object[] Position:0 默认值:Default properties 必需:False 接受管道输入:False 接受通配符:True -Stable 排序对象按排序条件相等时接收这些对象的顺序传递。
expression - <string> 或<script block> ascending 或descending - <boolean> 有关详细信息,请参阅 about_Calculated_Properties。 展开表 类型: Object[] Position: 0 默认值: Default properties 必需: False 接受管道输入: False 接受通配符: True-
启动进程时出现 PowerShell 错误可能是由于以下原因之一: 1. 权限不足:请确保您具有足够的权限来启动进程。如果您是普通用户,请尝试使用管理员权限运行 PowerShell。 2. 脚本...