Get-WmiObject Win32_nteventlogfile -Filter "logfilename like '%$strLog%'" | foreach { $_.sources } 上述代码针对应用程序日志,也可以用于其他日志。首先使用Write-Host cmdlet输出将要搜索的标题字符串,通过Get-WmiObject cmdlet查询Win32_nteventlogfile WMI类并筛选来源信息中包括事件日志名称的事件。最后...
Creating log files in Powershell scripts 项目 2012/01/16 I was working on a project in which I had to create a script to do some solution deployment, site creations etc., and while doing these the script shoul create log file to log entire process. This is a sample script which i ...
如果通过配置启用模块日志记录,可以通过设置模块的LogPipelineExecutionDetails属性的值来为会话中的特定模块启用和禁用日志记录。 例如,若要为PSReadLine模块启用模块日志记录,请执行以下操作: PowerShell $psrl=Get-ModulePSReadLine$psrl.LogPipelineExecutionDetails =$trueGet-ModulePSReadline |Select-ObjectName, L...
Create folders from CSV create hidden shares and set share permissions Create HTML body from file with variables Create HTML page using powershell Create in memory CSV file Create list of users in the Domain Admin Group who have an active account Create Log File with Copy-Item Create multipl...
= "log_"$reader = new-object System.IO.StreamReader("C:\Exceptions.log")$count = 1$file...
Steps to reproduce Open powershell (or WindowsPowersehll) without admin author. powershell print : CreateFile() Error: 5 CreateFile() Error: 5 and pending until entry ctrl+c img: Expected behavior no “CreateFile() Error: 5” print Actual ...
Version 1.0 01/02/2010 First version #> # Track all Windows PowerShell commands $profilename = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name $profilepath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $transcriptFile = "C:\Contoso\Logs\Powershell_$profilename.log" Start-Transcript $transcriptFile -append -force Write-Output ...
<# . Steps: Import and publish retention labels - Load retention labels csv file - Validate csv file input - Create retention labels - Create retention policies - Publish retention labels for the policies - Generate the log for retention labels and policies creation - Generate the csv re...
你可以像导航文件系统那样来访问注册表,PowerShell把文件系统和注册表都当作层次信息系统来处理。注册表中的键对应于文件系统的目录,但是键对应的值和文件系统中的文件不是非常类似。相反的,它们显示在属性栏,被以键的属性来管理。 PS C:\> Cd HKCU: