In this tutorial, I will explain how tocreate a file using PowerShell if it doesn’t already exist. As a PowerShell user, I’ve encountered situations where I needed to ensure a file was created only if it wasn’t present. I’ll walk you through different methods to achieve this with ...
The Write-Debug cmdlet is very handy for writing objects (such as text strings) to the Debug pipeline. Trying this cmdlet in the shell can be somewhat disappointing, though, because it doesn't look like the cmdlet is doing anything.
Start-BitsTransfer-Sourcehttps://Server01/serverdir/testfile1.txt ` -Destination C:\clientdir\testfile1.txt 备注 重音字符 (`) 用于指示换行符。 在前面的示例中,文件的本地名称和远程名称分别在源参数和目标参数中指定。 当文件传输完成或进入错误状态时,命令提示符会返回。
图1 CreateCab.ps1 Param( $filepath = "C:\fso", $path = "C:\fso\", [switch]$debug ) Function New-Cab($path,$files) { $makecab = "makecab.makecab" Write-Debug "Creating Cab path is: $path" $cab = New-Object -ComObject $makecab if(!$?) { $(Throw "unable to creat...
If there is a build executable and an Alias build for a function with the name of Invoke-Build inside a module that is not loaded into the current session, PowerShell runs the build executable instead. It doesn't auto-load modules if it finds the external executable. It's only when no...
Don't create multiple identical managed disks from a VHD file in small amount of time. To create managed disks from a vhd file, blob snapshot of the vhd file is created and then it is used to create managed disks. Only one blob snapshot can be created in a minu...
so kindly drive me to it. thanks in advance. Tuesday, March 5, 2019 1:56 PM I guess you are going to need to learn PowerShell. Download the module I posted and read the help. I posted an example. Do NOT use OpenXML. It will be too much of an issue if you are not a progra...
if(!$?) { $(Throw "unable to create $makecab object")} 嘗試建立 Makecab.Makecab 物件時沒有錯誤發生則您可以使用 $ 封包的變數中所包含的物件,並呼叫 CreateCab 方法: $cab.CreateCab($path,$false,$false,$false) 建立.cab 檔案之後您可以加入檔案它使用 ForEach 陳述式: ...
so kindly drive me to it. thanks in advance. Tuesday, March 5, 2019 1:56 PM I guess you are going to need to learn PowerShell. Download the module I posted and read the help. I posted an example. Do NOT use OpenXML. It will be too much of an issue if you are not a progra...
Check if a text file is blank in powershell check if computer exist in ou Check if drive exists, If not map Check if Email address exists in Office 365 and if exists, Create a Unique Email address Check if event log source exists for non admins Check if file created today and not ...