Also remember that if the path or folder name contains a space, you need to surround the entire path in quotes. Single quotes or double quotes will work the same if there are no "expandable" parts in the path or folder name, but the slightly safer choice is single quotes. This is what...
$zipFile = "path/to/your/" $extractTo = "path/to/your/extract/folder" # 检查目标文件夹是否存在,如果不存在则创建它 if (-not (Test-Path -Path $extractTo)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $extractTo | Out-Null } # 解压缩文件到目标文件夹 [System.IO.Compression...
PowerShell script help required: Confirming computer exists under all domain controllers in a domain? Hi all. I'm new to PowerShell coding and require assistance if anyone can help me? I work with a domain that has 5 domain controllers. 4 are local, 1 is remote and there is a 20 minut...
Create-ResultCSV { Param( # Result folder Root [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$ResultFolderRoot, # The function Result file for [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$ResultFunction ) $retFolderPath = "$ResultFolderRoot\logfiles" $folderExist = Test-Path "$retFolderPath" if (!
$config.OutputFolder = $OutputFolderif ($MapTasks) {$config.AdditionalGenericArguments.Add("$MapTasks")}# Define the connection properties[Boolean] $createContinerIfNotExist = $True[Uri] $clusterUri = New-Object System.Uri $clusterHttp...
Find all unique triplets in the array which gives the sum of zero.Note:The solution set must not con 数组 最优解 双指针 15. 3Sum刷题笔记 由于数据不能重复出现,因此用双指针法会比用哈希法要快,再加上几个必要的剪枝class Solution: return [] nums.sort() if nums[0]>0 or nums[n]<0:...
$downloadFolderPath = "$home/Downloads" Verify the download folder exists. Create the folder otherwise. PowerShell 复制 if (-not (Test-Path -Path $downloadFolderPath -PathType Container)) { New-Item -Path $downloadFolderPath -ItemType Directory } Determine the URL of the tar archive fo...
Imagine you're reading information from a CSV file and using the information to create new users in Active Directory®. If the CSV file is generated by someone else, you'll want to validate that the data in it looks right. A regex is perfect for this task. A simple regex like \w+...
So, for example, if you wanted a user to run your script, you might name it Dir.ps1 and drop it into a folder. If you convinced the user to type Dir and press Enter, your script could run, not the Dir command the user was expecting. This technique is called command hijacking. In...
Check to see if a specific folder for scheduled tasks exists. If it does, do not create it. Create and register a new scheduled task in that specific folder. Modify the settings on that newly created scheduled task. To do this, I am going to combine the various pieces of script I have...