if (Test-Path -Path $Folder) { “Path exists!” } else { “Path doesn’t exist.” } $File = ‘C:\Windows\a.txt’ if (Test-Path -Path $File) { “File exists!” } else { “File doesn’t exist.” } 判断命令是否存在 $cmdName = nslookup if (Get-CommandcmdName -errorAction ...
【powershell】判断文件是否存在 87d6dc4b11a7IP属地: 河北 0.1172023.11.22 09:34:09字数 0阅读 245 if (Test-Path -Path "C:/test/file.txt" -PathType Leaf) { "The file exists." } else { "The file does not exist." } ©著作权归作者所有,转载或内容合作请联系作者...
Check if a text file is blank in powershell check if computer exist in ou Check if drive exists, If not map Check if Email address exists in Office 365 and if exists, Create a Unique Email address Check if event log source exists for non admins Check if file created today and not 0...
在某些语言中,可以在if语句后放置一行代码,它将会得以执行。 在 PowerShell 中情况并非如此。 必须提供带大括号的完整scriptblock才能使其正常工作。 比较运算符 if语句最常见的用法是比较两个项。 PowerShell 具有特殊运算符,可用于不同的比较方案。 当使用比较运算符时,会将左右两侧的值进行比较。
To create a directory if it does not exist, this is a very robust example of how you might want to handle it. Adapt to suit your needs. This code was put in the file "NewDirDemo.ps1" that you see me using below. [CmdletBinding()] ...
();if(File.Exists(Path)) { currentResourceState.Add("Ensure","Present");// read current contentstringCurrentContent ="";using(varreader =newStreamReader(Path)) { CurrentContent = reader.ReadToEnd(); } currentResourceState.Add("Content", CurrentContent); }else{ currentResourceState.Add("...
A drive with the name 'User' does not exist. 可以在 Just Enough Administration (JEA) 会话配置中定义 User 驱动器。 对于此示例,我们将创建 User: 驱动器。 PowerShell 复制 New-PSDrive -Name 'User' -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $env:HOMEPATH Output 复制 Name Used (GB) Free...
我希望在我的Powershell If语句中满足多个条件,并试图使用-AND操作符来实现它,但它似乎只是直接跳到use子句。在下面的代码中,我希望确保两个文件夹都没有文件,并且"watcher.txt“文件存在。如果这三条语句都是真的,那么我应该看到“成功文件夹和失败文件夹为空,而Watcher文件存在”。相反,我看到的是“尚未完成,...
(But just a little bit, not very much.) If the full path to this file doesn’t exist, trying to open it in Notepad will return an error; you won’t receive any prompts and the file won’t be created for you. The way to create this file in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008...
# Build our Filename $Logfilename=$Folder+”\”+$Preface+”-“+$Date+”-“+$Time+$Extension # Test and ensure file does not already exist IF (TEST-PATH -path $Logfilename) { WRITE-ERROR –message “Error: $Logfilename exists.”–category ‘WriteError’ ...