This issue is copied from MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs#4127. Originally submitted by @rwlangeveld. Issue Details Converting from UTC to local time with DST (being CEST in my case) seems to give unexpected results. I ran into this issue ...
从PowerShell 6 开始,ConvertTo-Json尝试将时间戳格式的字符串转换为DateTime值。 转换后的值是一个[datetime]实例,其Kind属性设置如下: Unspecified,如果输入字符串中没有时区信息。 Utc,如果时区信息是尾随的Z。 Local,如果时区信息以尾随 UTC偏移量的形式给出,例如+02:00。 偏移量已正确转换为调用方配置的时区...
从PowerShell 6 开始,ConvertTo-Json尝试将时间戳格式的字符串转换为DateTime值。 转换后的值是一个[datetime]实例,其Kind属性设置如下: Unspecified,如果输入字符串中没有时区信息。 Utc,如果时区信息是尾随的Z。 Local,如果时区信息以尾随 UTC偏移量的形式给出,例如+02:00。 偏移量已正确转换为调用方配置的时区...
Cannot convert value "groupname" to type "Security2.IdentityReference2". Error: "The trust relationship between the primary Add-printer command not working for remote computers Add-Printer command NOT WORKING! Add-PrinterDriver -InfPath add-pssnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin Add...
To specify a date/time value for this parameter, use either of the following options: Specify the date/time value in UTC: For example, "2021-05-06 14:30:00z". Specify the date/time value as a formula that converts the date/time in your local time zone to UTC: For example, (Get...
$cs = New-CimSession -ComputerName RSDGF03 Import-Module -CimSession $cs -Name Storage # Importing a CIM module, converts the CDXML files for each command into # PowerShell scripts. These appear as functions in the local session. Get-Command Get-Disk CommandType Name Modu...
To specify a date/time value for this parameter, use either of the following options: Specify the date/time value in UTC: For example, "2018-05-06 14:30:00z". Specify the date/time value as a formula that converts the date/time in your local time zone to UTC: For example, (Get...
办法很简单,就是使用 Windows PowerShell 添加到所有 WMI 类的 ConvertToDateTime 方法:复制 PS C:\> $wmi = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem PS C:\> $wmi.ConvertToDateTime($wmi.LocalDateTime) – $wmi.ConvertToDateTime($wmi.LastBootUpTime) 当您让两个时间值相减时,生成的是 System....
比如你手动使用ConvertTo-HTML将管道结果转换后,Out-File和Set-Content会殊途同归。 如果你想决定对象的那个属性应当显示在HTML页面中,可以使用之前提到的Select-Object 在对象转换成HTML前过滤属性。 PS C:\PowerShell> dir | Select-Object Name,Length,LastWriteTime | ConvertTo-Html | Out-File testfile.txt ...