UTC + 时区差(东正西负) = 本地时间 例如: 北京时间:(UTC:+08:00) 加州时间:(UT...
代码语言:powershell 复制 $timestamps= @(1706845225,1706845194,1706845141,1706845117,1706845033,1706845003,1706844979,1706844960,1706844837,1706844824)foreach($timestampin$timestamps){$utcTime=[DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeSeconds($timestamp)$beijingTime=$utcTime.ToOffset([TimeSpan]::FromHours(8))Write-O...
The resulting values are exactly the same as before. Again, the FILETIME value was accepted as being in UTC, andthe difference between FromFileTime() and FromFileTimeUtc() is that FromFileTime() converts that value to the local time zone during parsing and marks is as the Loca...
public static DateTime ConvertTime(DateTime LoalTime, String TargetTimeZone) { DateTime ConvertedTime; DateTime LocalTime_in_UTC = LoalTime.ToUniversalTime(); try { System.TimeZoneInfo _TargetTimeZone = System.TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(TargetTimeZone); ...
Example 7: Convert the current time to UTC timeIn this example, the current time is converted to UTC time. The UTC offset for the system's locale is used to convert the time. A table in the Notes section lists the valid UFormat format specifiers.PowerShell Copiere ...
PS C:\> $wmi = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem PS C:\> $wmi.ConvertToDateTime($wmi.LocalDateTime) – $wmi.ConvertToDateTime($wmi.LastBootUpTime) 当您让两个时间值相减时,生成的是 System.TimeSpan 对象的实例。这表示您不必执行一大堆算法就可以选择如何显示正常运行时间信息。您只需要选...
可以指定过期的 CertificateExpirationTimeUtc。 Update-CMCertificate 无法读取 Path 参数指定的证书。 这是累积更新 2 的回归。 其他更改 新建cmdlet Add-CMDeploymentTypeDependency 将部署类型作为依赖项添加到依赖项组。 Required input is a deployment type object from...
The module contains four cmdlets (two with optional switches to return conversion result as UTC time) are: Convert-UnixTime Convert-WindowsTime Get-UnixTime Get-WindowsTime Installing the module Install direct from the PowerShell Gallery (Powershell 5.x and above) ...
Converts time to UTC on sending All configuration can be done from a simple XML file Allows you to override the hostname in Windows Performance Counters before sending on to InfluxDB Allows configuring Tags and Fields Name sent to InfluxDB ...
Get-CMConfigurationItem |ConvertTo-CMConfigurationItem Get-CMCertificate 取得網站的儲存憑證。 這些可以是 ISV Proxy、開機媒體或發佈點憑證。 此 Cmdlet 的輸出可以管線到其他憑證 Cmdlet,例如 Block-CMCertificate。 請注意,使用縮圖所進行的查詢可能會比其他查詢慢,尤其是使用大型結果集。