Inmy previous post, I talked about how to query CD ROM Drive letter using PowerShell. In this post, I will show you how to change the drive letter of CD Drive in remote computers. This will come handy when you want to assign a specific drive letter to CD ROM drive. In the below c...
$disks=Get-Disk| Where partitionstyle-eq'raw'| sort number$letters=70..89|ForEach-Object{ [char]$_}$count=0$labels="data1","data2"foreach($diskin$disks) {$driveLetter=$letters[$count].ToString()$disk|Initialize-Disk-PartitionStyleMBR-PassThru|New-Partition-UseMaxim...
3. Run the below command to change the current drive toD:(or to any available drive). This syntax is a quick way to navigate between different drives in PowerShell. D: When switching drives in PowerShell with this method, the prompt changes to the root directory of the new drive, as i...
Advanced Tab of Internet Options change registry key with PowerShell All AD Groups, membership and user attributes (EmployeeID) allow standard user to run .ps1 elevated? Already running a command Alternative to Windows Explorer in Server Core Windows Server 2012 R2 Ampersand not allowed. The & op...
In order to open the command prompt instead of PowerShell, modify the command tocmd.exe /s /k pushd "%V". This change will cause the explorer to launchshift & right button. How to execute powershell code in current directory, 1 Answer Sorted by: 2 Simply omit the directory path altoget...
開啟PowerShell 並執行下列指令碼。 變更-DriveLetter變數的值 (如果適用)。 例如,若要調整F:磁碟機上分割區的大小,請使用$driveLetter = "F"。 PowerShell $driveLetter="[Drive Letter]"$size= (Get-PartitionSupportedSize-DriveLetter$driveLetter)Resize-Partition`-DriveLetter$driveLetter`-Size$size.SizeMax...
使用Remove-PSDrive来删除你创建的驱动器。如果该驱动器正在使用则不能删除。注意在使用New-PSDrive和Remove-PSDrive创建或删除驱动器时,指定的字母不能包含冒号,但是在使用驱动器工作时必须指定冒号。 Remove-PSDrive desktop 1. 读取文本文件的内容 使用Get-Content可以获取文本文件的内容: PS C:\PowerShell> Get-...
Figure 1: Navigating the SQLServer: PowerShell Drive Now, by navigating to the Databases folder under an instance of SQL Server, you can use the following command to send the list of databases to a web page for anyone in your organization to view: PowerShell Copy PS> dir | select name...
drive-letter name and be connected to a remote file system location. When your command is scoped locally, no dot-sourcing, thePersistparameter doesn't persist the creation of aPSDrivebeyond the scope in which the command is running. If you're runningNew-PSDriveinside a script, and you wan...
This example clears the recycle bin for a specified drive letter.PowerShell Kopiraj Clear-RecycleBin -DriveLetter CClear-RecycleBin uses the DriveLetter parameter to specify the recycle bin on the C volume. The user is prompted for confirmation to run the command....