3. Run the below command to change the current drive toD:(or to any available drive). This syntax is a quick way to navigate between different drives in PowerShell. D: When switching drives in PowerShell with this method, the prompt changes to the root directory of the new drive, as i...
ComputerChangeInfo ComputerInfo ConnectPSSessionCommand ConsoleColorCmdlet ContentCommandBase ConvertFromCsvCommand ConvertFromJsonCommand ConvertFromMarkdownCommand ConvertFromSddlStringCommand ConvertFromSddlStringCommand.AccessRightTypeNames ConvertFromSecureStringCommand ConvertFromStringDataCommand ConvertFromToSecureStringCommand...
The Windows PowerShell cmdlet names that work with PowerShell drive objects use the nouns Item, ChildItem, and ItemProperty. You can use the Get-Command cmdlet with the -Noun parameter to review a list of commands that work on each PowerShell drive object. You can also use Get-Help to ...
使用Remove-PSDrive来删除你创建的驱动器。如果该驱动器正在使用则不能删除。注意在使用New-PSDrive和Remove-PSDrive创建或删除驱动器时,指定的字母不能包含冒号,但是在使用驱动器工作时必须指定冒号。 Remove-PSDrive desktop 1. 读取文本文件的内容 使用Get-Content可以获取文本文件的内容: PS C:\PowerShell> Get-...
Advanced Tab of Internet Options change registry key with PowerShell All AD Groups, membership and user attributes (EmployeeID) allow standard user to run .ps1 elevated? Already running a command Alternative to Windows Explorer in Server Core Windows Server 2012 R2 Ampersand not allowed. The & op...
To change location to a new drive, I can use the Set-Location cmdlet and provide it with the name of the new PSDrive. In addition, to using the cmdlet name directly, there are three aliases that can also be used from the command line: cd, chdir, and sl. The following command u...
To see the current prompt function, type the following command:Get-Content Function:\prompt Parameters -PSDrive Gets the current location in the specified PowerShell drive. For instance, if you are in theCert:drive, you can use this parameter to find your current location in theC:drive. ...
In the above command, set-location was used without the -path parameter to change the current directory (F:\) to C:\ drive. Will this command work if we have a space in the directory path? Consider the following example where we want to change a directory to a path having space in ...
Example 1: Move a file to another directory and rename it This command moves theTest.txtfile from theC:drive to theE:\Tempdirectory and renames it fromtest.txttotst.txt. PowerShell Move-Item-PathC:\test.txt-DestinationE:\Temp\tst.txt ...
Before we decide to create a profile, let’s check to see whether we already have one: Test-Path $profile If the profile exists this command will return True; if it doesn’t exist, the command will return False. If this command returns False, you need to create the profile. ...