更新PSConfiguration.ReadValueFromFile,使其變得更快速且記憶體更有效率 (#10839) 新增runspace 初始化的次要效能改善 (#10569) (感謝 @iSazonov!) 讓ForEach-Object 能夠更快速地適用於其常用案例 (#10454),並使用多個 Runspace 來修正 ForEach-Object -Parallel 效能問題 (#10455) ...
4 Job4 Completed True localhost Get-Date 5 Job5 Failed False Server01 Get-Date 6 Job6 Completed True Server02 Get-Date 若要获取所有子作业的结果,请使用 Receive-Job cmdlet 获取父作业的结果。 但也可以获取特定子作业的结果,如以下命令所示。
#只压缩今天编译出来的文件,根据实际情况修改$targetDate = (Get-Date)echo$targetDate# 将今天的文件集中到 $files变量中$files= Get-ChildItem -Path"D:\WebPub\O2OAdminWeb\bin\" -File | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime.Date -eq $targetDate.Date } $tmpBinDir ="D:\Temp\O2OAdminBin"#先删除临...
functionprompt {"$(Get-Date)> "} 提示符类似于以下提示符: Output 03/15/2012 17:49:47> 还可以更改默认Prompt函数: 例如,在提升的会话中运行时,以下修改后的Prompt函数会添加到[ADMIN]:内置 PowerShell 提示符中。 PowerShell functionprompt {$identity= [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent(...
输入对象会像在终端中一样自动设置格式,但你可以使用Format-*cmdlet 显式控制文件输出的格式设置。 例如:Get-Date | Format-List | Out-File out.txt 若要将 PowerShell 命令的输出发送到Out-Filecmdlet,请使用管道。 也可将数据存储在变量中,使用 InputObject 参数将数据传递给Out-Filecmdlet。
The System File Checker (SFC) tool flags files that are located in the%windir%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\Defenderfolder as corrupted or damaged. When this issue occurs, you see error entries that resemble the following: Hashes for file member do not match. ...
Using Windows PowerShell, how can I search for a string value in all the files in a folder full of text files, then report back the file name and creation date for each file where that string value was found? Oh, and I’d like to have...
(Test-Path -Path $logFullPath)) { $timestamp = (Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd--HH-mm-ss) New-Item -Path $logPath -Name $logName -ItemType "file" -Value "## Log file for $serviceName auto-start script ##`n## Created [$timestamp] ##`n" -Force Start-Sleep -...
many modules on Windows that require GUI functionality likeOut-GridViewandShow-Command, as well as many role management modules that ship as part of Windows. For more info, check out ourmodule compatibility tableshowing off how you can the latest, up-to-date modules that work with PowerShell ...
Building this repository generates two new binaries that need to be picked up instead of the ones included by PowerShell for Linux itself. Run PowerShell as: exportLD_LIBRARY_PATH=psl-omi-provider-path/src:psl-omi-provider-path/omi/Unix/output/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}&&powershell ...