Get-Date|Get-Member-MemberTypeProperty-Static Output TypeName: System.DateTime Name MemberType Definition --- --- --- MaxValue Property static datetime MaxValue {get;} MinValue Property static datetime MinValue {get;} Now Property datetime Now {get;} Today Property datetime Today {get;} Utc...
Import-Module-Name'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent\bin\Modules\MSOnlineBackup' 在載入 Online Backup Cmdlet 後,您必須註冊保存庫認證: PowerShell Start-OBRegistration-VaultCredentials$CredsFilename.FilePath-Confirm:$false
典型的输入数据是System.Data.DataTable,但你可以指定System.Data.DataSet或System.Data.DateRow* 对象。 类型:PSObject Position:Named 默认值:None 必需:True 接受管道输入:True 接受通配符:False -InputObject 指定一个由 SQL Server 管理对象(SMO)对象构成的数组,这些对象表示此 cmdlet 写入到的表。
$date= (Get-Date).DayOfYearGet-Service|Out-File"$date.log" To create this script, open a text editor or a script editor, type these commands, and then save them in a file namedServiceLog.ps1. Parameters in scripts To define parameters in a script, use a Param statement. TheParamstatem...
The filename is constructed from the user's name, the hostname of the computer running PowerShell, the version of PowerShell, and the date and time. The transcript is stored in the \\Server01\Transcripts file share.powershell Copy
/N New long list format where filenames are on the far right. /O List by files in sorted order. sortorder N By name (alphabetic) S By size (smallest first) E By extension (alphabetic) D By date/time (oldest first) G Group directories first - Prefix to reverse order ...
The AttachmentFilenames parameter specifies the filter for the attachment file name. You can use wildcard characters in the string. For example, you can use *.txt to export items that have a .txt extension. Type:String[] Position:Named ...
$Project.FileSaveAs()call on line 40, and specifically relates to themapparameter value of "BI Export". Khibby I had a rummage around in Project and found the following area, which I got to via Fil > Info > Organizer, but I don't know if this is the only (or even ...
use default compression method in Compress-7Zip (previously it was PPMd, for whatever reason) (#11) allow piped input for Get-7Zip (#15) use WriteDebug instead of Write of logging (#13) v1.5 June 5, 2016 Added parameter -EncryptFilenames to Compress-7Zip (#10, requested by @Jason...
{$now=Get-Date-Format"yyyyMMddHHmm"$nameFile=[System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($file)$extension=[System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($file)$newName="${now}_${nameFile}${extension}"Rename-Item-Path$file-NewName$newnameWrite-Host"$filerenamed in$newname"$RenRegFile[$file]=$true}}...