It repeats while the test condition evaluates to true and exits on false. Advertisement PowerShell For Loop The syntax for a For loop is the following: for (<Init>; <Condition>; <Repeat>) { <Script Block> } The <Init> block executes a command or a set of commands before the loop ...
break在语句中使用trap 如果在语句正文中执行的最后一条trap语句是break,则会禁止显示错误对象,并重新引发异常。 以下示例创建使用trap语句捕获的DivideByZeroException异常。 PowerShell functiontest {trap[DivideByZeroException] {Write-Host'divide by zero trapped'break}$i=3'Before loop'while($true) {"1 /$...
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. System.Management.Automation.CommandNotFoundException 您可以在文稿中有多個 trap 語句。 只有一個 trap 語句可以設陷每個錯誤類型。 當發生終止錯誤時,PowerShell 會搜尋 trap 具有最特定相符專案...
Current: one Current: two Reset Loop: 0 Current: one Current: two Reset Loop: 1 Current: one Current: two Current: three 範例5:使用 $switch 變數變數$switch 的規則與變數完全相同 $foreach。 下列範例示範所有列舉值概念。注意 請注意,NotEvaluated 案例永遠不會執行,即使MoveNextbreak沒有語句也一樣...
The break can also be used within the switch and trap in PowerShell. Let’s add a twist to the above examples. Suppose a situation where you are using the ForEach loop within the while loop. Now, you have two arrays, each of them containing integer values. The while loop iterates ove...
While($true) {:thisLoopWhile($true) {While($true) {#The break command below will break out of the `thisLoop` while loop.BreakthisLoop}}} continue命令 continue命令还会在循环级别终止脚本。尽管如此,continue命令并不会立即终止整个循环,而是仅终止当前迭代并保持循环继续进行,直到所有迭代都已处理完毕。
(which I introduced in last month's column). The Foreach construct can accept a collection of objects, and it will execute multiple cmdlets for each object in the collection. I designate a variable that represents the current object each time through the loop. For example, the construct ...
Specifies the owner of the site collection. Changing the Owner of a OneDrive is not supported and causes many experiences to break. Expand table Type: String Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False Applies to: SharePoint...
Check out access a detailed document that outlines any breaking changes, fixes and will guide you through the migration that an SDK user might run while upgrading to v2 as well as provide examples for...
# if you run out of “<”you’redone,sousethe“$found_bracket”Booleanvariabletotestforpresenceof“<” $found_bracket=$truewhile($found_bracket-eq$true) { #Specialcaseoffirst,orrootelement,oftheXMLdocument; #herethescript-levelvariable$ctrequalszero.if($Script:ctr-eq0) { #tohandlethetop-...