# This statement returns true because book contains the string "oo" 'book' -match 'oo' 字元類別雖然字元常值可運作,但如果您知道確切的模式,字元類別可讓您較不明確。字元群組[character group] 可讓您一次比對任意數目的字元,而 [^character group] 只比對群組中的字元 NOT。PowerShell...
<statement> {-AND | -OR | -XOR} <statement> {! | -NOT} <statement> 使用逻辑运算符的语句返回布尔值 (TRUE 或 FALSE) 值。 PowerShell 逻辑运算符仅计算确定语句真实值所需的语句。 如果包含 和 运算符的语句中的左操作数为 FALSE,则不计算右操作数。 如果包含 或 语句的语句中的左操作数为 TRU...
# Start of script $x = 2; $y = 3 Get-Power $x $y # Function defined in script function Get-Power([int]$x, [int]$y) { if ($y -gt 0) { return $x * (Get-Power $x (--$y)) } else { return 1 } } # End of script 腳本中建立的變數範圍 $x 和$y 是該腳本的主體,包...
Adding If/Else Conditional Logic You can also use the PowerShell Not Equal operator inside the conditional statements, such as the if/else statement. Related:Back to Basics: Conditional Logic with PowerShell If-Else For example, a service must be running in most cases if its StartType value ...
PowerShell コピー if ( -not ( Test-Path -Path $path ) ) 説明してきたほとんどの演算子には、-not 演算子を使用する必要がないバリエーションがあります。 しかし、それでも役に立つ場面があります。! operator-not の別名として ! を使用できます。
If the example code from the help file has output in the example, PowerShell attempts to run the output along with the code and an error will be thrown. Parameters -Command Specifies the command or expression to run. Type the command or expression or enter a variable that contains the co...
This tutorial will teach you to use-oroperator in the PowerShell. The-oroperator, also known as logicalORin the PowerShell, returns the Boolean valueTruewhen either condition is true. Consider, we have two variables$a=10and$b=20. The following statement returnsTruebecause one condition isTrue...
Invoke-Sqlcmd takes a query in text form and sends it to SQL Server for processing. The results are returned in object form and standard PowerShell functions can be used to manipulate the data as necessary. It takes either a standard Transact-SQL query or an XQuery statement as input. ...
In turn, that means the answer generated by your script is going to dramatically over-report (or under-report) free disk space on the computer. It would be far better and far more foolproof if you could just divide the number of bytes by a gigabyte. But you can’t.Well, not unless ...
If we were using VBScript, this would be easy: we’d simply call theFormatNumberfunction and have at it. Of course, we aren’t using VBScript; we’re using Windows PowerShell. As near as we can tell, PowerShell doesn’t include any built-in functions or cmdlets that enable us to form...