可以使用“Add-LocalGroupMember”命令增加本地组中从成员。 C:\>Get-LocalGroupMember-Group"Administrators"ObjectClass Name PrincipalSource---用户 TEST\test ActiveDirectory 用户ZS-DZAG050800\Administrator Local C:\>Add-LocalGroupMember-Group"Administrators"-Member"test02"C:\>Get-LocalGroupMember-Group"...
$userUPN="adelev@contoso.com"$roleName="Exchange Administrator"$role=Get-MgDirectoryRole|Where-Object{$_.displayName-eq$roleName}if($role-eq$null) {$roleTemplate= (Get-MgDirectoryRoleTemplate|Where-Object{$_.displayName-eq$roleName}).idNew-MgDirectoryRole-DisplayName$roleName-RoleTemplateId...
$de.psbase.Invoke(“Add”,([ADSI]“WinNT://$domain/$user”).path) The remaining code in the script tests to ensure that the script is running with administrator rights, reads a CSV file, converts it to a hash table, and finally adds the domain users to the local group. The complete...
The user does exist in AD, as i am able to add user to the same group from UI.I am running script as Administrator.And the login user is a farm admin, so it has all the necessary permissions.Below is a stack of exception i have got using try-catch block:...
The -GroupId parameter is the group ObjectID. We need to specify the ObjectID of the group we are using. The -DirectoryObjectId is the ObjectID of the user we want to add as a group member.Get membersTo get the existing members of a group, use the Get-MgGroupMember cmdlet, as i...
Add-ADGroupMember-Identity"SalesGroup"-Members "johndoe", "janesmith" 这条命令将用户 "johndoe" 和 "janesmith" 添加到名为 "SalesGroup" 的 AD 组中。 通过这些示例,你可以利用 PowerShell 强大的功能来进行更复杂和精细化的 AD 域用户管理操作。根据具体情况,可以进一步扩展和调整这些示例,以满足组织的...
To add a user (or a group) to a local group, we need to use theAdd-LocalGroupMembercmdlet. For example, suppose we want to add users to the local Administrators group, but we don’t want to add them one by one. Let’s add a group to local Administrators, namely the “Netwrix U...
Write-Host"[*] Adding existing user $Username to $group." & NET LOCALGROUP $group $Username/add| Out-Null $adsi = [ADSI]"WinNT://$env:COMPUTERNAME" $exist = $adsi.Children | where {$_.SchemaClassName -eq'user'-and $_.Name -eq$Username } ...
#Connect to Azure ADWrite-Host"`n"Write-Host-ForegroundColorGreen"Please enter your Global Administrator Username and Password"Write-Host"`n"Connect-MsolService[Guid]$teachergroupid=New-Guid[Guid]$studentgroupid=New-Guidif(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($teachergroupname)) {New-MsolGroup-DisplayName$...
How to enable remoting for administrators in other domains For error: ERROR: ACCESS IS DENIED When a user in another domain is a member of the Administrators group on the local computer, the user cannot connect to the local computer remotely with Administrator privileges. By default, re...