最终的PowerShell命令如下: > Import-Csv '.\User-Template.csv' | ForEach-Object {New-ADUser -SamAccountName $_.SamAccountName -Surname $_.Surname -GivenName $_.GivenName -Name $_.Name -UserPrincipalName $_.UserPrincipalName -DisplayName $_.Name -Description $_.Description -Path $_.Path ...
powershellCopy Code # 导入用户列表$userList=Import-Csv-Path"C:\UsersToReset.csv"foreach($userin$userList) {$newPassword="NewP@ssw0rd"# 可以生成随机密码$securePassword=ConvertTo-SecureString$newPassword-AsPlainText-ForceSet-ADAccountPassword-Identity$user.SamAccountName-NewPassword$securePassword-Rese...
I need to create a powershell script to add specific Users by Titles to a group in AD and remove anyone created after 93 days. The first part of my script is as follows: Import-Module ActiveDirectory $Days = 92 $Time = (Get-Date).Adddays(-($Days)) $L...
"VIP will not update"+str(user))else:if"深圳"inuser['LocationCity']:# print(user['LocationCity'])# print("深圳" in user['LocationCity'])res_N=call_powershell(user['ADAccount'],c_info['WIFI_Group'][
PowerShell使用示例 1、操作Windows服务 可以使用Get-Service和Set-Service等操作Windows服务。 注: 查询Windows服务状态不需要管理员权限,操作Windows服务(停止、开启等)需要管理员权限。 1.1 查询Windows服务状态 查询本地WinRM服务状态 Get-Service -Name "WinRM" ...
AD PowerShell脚本是使用PowerShell语言编写的,它是一种在Windows系统中管理和自动化任务的强大工具。下面是一个示例脚本,用于将多个用户添加到AD: 代码语言:txt 复制 # 引入Active Directory模块 Import-Module ActiveDirectory # 定义用户信息 $userList = @( @{ Name = "User1" SamAccountName = "user1" Pas...
Write-Host "- "$_.SamAccountName" added to "usertest } Add-ADGroupMember : 无法对参数“Members”执行参数验证。参数为 Null 或空。请提供一个不为 Null 或空的参数,然后重试该命令。 所在位置 行:2 字符: 28 ; Add-ADGroupMember usertest $_.SamAccountName; ...
Line consumer is the one to choose. With this consumer, you get WMI to run a PowerShell script any time an event occurs, such as a change to an AD group. Let’s look at how you use this permanent event consumer to discover changes to the membership of the Enterprise Admins grou...
Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity SQLAdmin1 -MemberOf DlgtdAdminsPSOGroupThis command adds the user with SAM account name SQLAdmin1 to the group DlgtdAdminsPSOGroup.Example 2: Add filtered users to a groupPowerShell 複製 Get-ADUser -Filter 'Name -like "*SvcAccount*"' | Add-ADPrin...