# 定义共享文件夹路径$folderPath="C:\Path\To\SharedFolder"# 获取共享文件夹的 ACL$acl=Get-Acl-Path$folderPath# 添加或修改权限规则$permission="DOMAIN\UserOrGroup","FullControl","Allow"$accessRule=New-ObjectSystem.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($permission)$acl.SetAccessRule($accessRule)...
)# 循环设置用户属性foreach($userin$usersAttributes) {Set-ADUser-Identity$user.SamAccountName-HomeDirectory$user.HomeDirectory-Description$user.Description# 设置文件夹权限示例(这里假设使用 Set-Acl 设置文件夹权限)$folderPath=$user.HomeDirectory$acl=Get-Acl$folderPath$permission="domain\$($user.SamAcco...
How to access an excel file without Excel being on the computer. How to access the environment variables of the remote machine( Windows Core OS) through TShell script? How to access the values in a variable created by Get-Childitem How to add array to PSObject using Add-Member How to Add...
$deserialized_m = Import-CliXml "E:\UsbFlashDrive\DhcpModule.xml" Save-Help -Module $deserialized_m -DestinationPath "E:\UsbFlashDrive\SavedHelp" # Finally, transport the removable media back to the computer that does not have network access, and # then install the help by running Update...
是指获取共享文件夹中所有文件夹的访问控制列表(Access Control List,ACL)。ACL是用于控制文件夹或文件的访问权限的一种机制,它定义了哪些用户或用户组可以访问、修改或执行特定文件夹或文件。 在云计算领域,获取共享中所有文件夹的ACL通常是通过调用云服务提供商的API来实现的。以下是一个完善且全面的答案: ...
$deserialized_m = Import-CliXml "E:\UsbFlashDrive\DhcpModule.xml" Save-Help -Module $deserialized_m -DestinationPath "E:\UsbFlashDrive\SavedHelp" # Finally, transport the removable media back to the computer that does not have network access, and # then install the help by running Update-...
$Folders += Get-ChildItem -Path $FolderPath -Directory | Select-Object Name,FullName,LastWriteTime,Length -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue foreach ($err in $Error) { $err.Exception.Message | Out-File $ExportPath\AccessDenied.txt -Append }
I open Management Studio and connect to the localhost\SQLEXPRESS instance (I was logged on as Administrator and just used that credential to access the database server). I open a new query window and run the the query shown in Figure 2 to create a sample database. ...
(SAS) expiry duration in seconds e.g. 3600.#Know more about SAS here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/Az.Storage/storage-dotnet-shared-access-signature-part-1$sasExpiryDuration="3600"#Provide storage account name where you want to copy the underlying VHD of the managed di...
They start off public, but after you set permissions, only those groups or users with permissions can access the site design. Invoke-SPOMigrationEncryptUploadSubmit Note: This cmdlet has been deprecated. To migrate to SharePoint and Microsoft 365 using PowerShell, see Migrate to SharePoint ...