使用New-SmbShare命令:New-SmbShare命令可以用于创建新的 SMB 共享。以下是一个示例命令,用于创建一个名为 "ShareName" 的共享文件夹并设置共享权限: powershellCopy Code New-SmbShare-Name "ShareName"-Path "C:\Path\To\Shared\Folder"-FullAccess "Domain\User1", "Domain\User2"-ReadAccess "Domain\User3...
Name ReturnType Parameters Qualifiers --- --- --- --- Create UInt32 {Access, Description, MaximumAllowed, Name…} {Constructor, Implemented, MappingStrings, Stati… SetShareInfo UInt32 {Access, Description, MaximumAllowed} {Implemented, MappingStrings} GetAccessMask UInt32 {} {Implemented, Mappi...
You can mount the file share on your local machine by using the SMB 3.0 protocol, or you can use tools like Storage Explorer to access files in your file share. From your application, you can use storage client libraries, REST APIs, PowerShell, or Azure CLI to access your files in the...
有效值为:NoAccess、ReadOnly 和 Unlock。以下示例设置站点标题:PowerShell 复制 Set-SPOSite -Identity https://adatum.sharepoint.com/sites/Marketing -Title "Marketing Portal" 列出和查看站点可以使用 Get-SPOSite cmdlet 查看在 SharePoint Online 租户中创建的站点及其配置。 若要列出租户中的所...
For removing a permission for a file share, you can use the Revoke-SmbShareAccess command. This will remove the permissions for the group we specify with the -AccountName parameter. You can get more info of the commands from herehttps://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/s...
The ShareFile PowerShell SDK is a PowerShell snap-in that provides support for saving a user login for use in scripts, provides access to the ShareFile API, and also a provider that can be used within PowerShell to map to a ShareFile account.Download...
This cmdlet downloads the Data Access Governance (DAG) reports to the current working directory. Export-SPOQueryLogs Export query logs for a user in an Office 365 tenant. 备注 Beginning February 2022, we'll be removing the Export-SPOQueryLogs command from SharePoint in Microsoft 365. We enc...
SharePoint Online Access Requests is a list. This means a lot.The article below is using SharePoint Module for managing lists, items and files as an extension to SharePoint Online Management Shell. Install the module to proceed.Access RequestsAccording...
{"__typename":"FailureReason","message":"error.lithium.policies.forums.policy_can_publish_on_create_workflow_action.accessDenied","key":"error.lithium.policies.forums.policy_can_publish_on_create_workflow_action.accessDenied","args":[]}}},"shortTitle":"Windows PowerShell","...
To run a script on one or more remote computers, use theFilePathparameter of theInvoke-Commandcmdlet. Enter the path and filename of the script as the value of theFilePathparameter. The script must reside on the local computer or in a directory that the local computer can access. ...