成員 成員種類 類型 用途 CurrentLocation 實例屬性(讀寫) 字串 磁碟驅動器目前的工作位置 (\3.1.4) 描述 實體屬性 (讀寫) 字串 磁碟驅動器的描述 名字 實體屬性 (唯讀) 字串 磁碟驅動器的名稱 根 實體屬性(唯讀) 字串 磁碟驅動器的名稱在PowerShell 中,此類型為 System.Management.Automation.PSDriveInfo。4....
Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts (64-bit only)This modules is only available in Windows PowerShell.Expand table Cmdlet name5.1Note Add-LocalGroupMember Disable-LocalUser Enable-LocalUser Get-LocalGroup Get-LocalGroupMember Get-LocalUser New-LocalGroup New-LocalUser Remove-LocalGroup ...
-Object {$_.HealthState -eq 'Uninitialized'} foreach ($agent in $agents) { $agent.DisplayName Push-Location $all\$agent\Microsoft.SystemCenter.HealthService Get-Task | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "Microsoft.SystemCenter.ResetHealthServiceStore"} | ` Start-Task -Asynchronous Pop-Location } ...
Raspbian (Stretch)Experimental32-bit/64-bit32-bit/64-bitInstructions To install a specific version, visitreleases. Community Dashboard Dashboardwith visualizations for community contributions and project status using PowerShell, Azure, and PowerBI. ...
64bit - win32reg_addremoveprograms 90 day inactive user report using PowerShell A "tail -f" equivalent command in Powershell to show real time logging A call to SSPI failed A connection to the directory on which to process the request was unavailable. This is likely a transient condition....
This installation is not a problem with an x64-bit Windows client because the administrative tools in Office Communications Server 2007 R2 run on the x64 platform. However, an i386 Windows client requires a local installation of the 32-bit version of the administrative tools in Office Communicati...
($A.Count -1)]$A|Out-File-FilePath.\Jobs.csv$J=Import-Csv-Path.\Jobs.csv-Header$Header$JState : Running MoreData : True StatusMessage : Location : localhost Command :Get-ProcessStateInfo : Running Finished : System.Threading.ManualResetEvent InstanceId : a259eb63-6824-4b97-a033-305108...
functionPrompt {$env:COMPUTERNAME+"\"+ (Get-Location) +"> "} Další informace o příkazovém řádku PowerShellu najdete v tématuabout_Prompts. Další příklady profilů najdete v tématuPřizpůsobení prostředí.
Get-Location #查看系统变量: $env:path #获取输入的历史命令: Get-History #查看当前进程列表: Get-Process #查看登录到物理机的用户 Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem |Select-object -ExpandProperty UserName #获取当前时间: Get-Date #查看当前已经设置的变量: ...
OriginalName: The original native command name and location OriginalCommandElements: Some native commands have additional mandatory switches to execute properly for a given scenario OutputHandlers: The output handler captures the string output from the native command and transforms it into structured data...