PS> pscp –version pscp: Release 0.XY Build platform: 64-bit x86 Windows PS> 自动设置路径 许多应用程序会在安装过程中自动添加到系统路径中。然而,并不是所有的程序都如此,要么是因为你在安装过程中遗漏了一个复选框,要么是因为应用程序开发人员希望你自己添加它。当自动路径失败时,你现在知道如何自己设置...
“The VFPODBC driver isno longer supported. We strongly recommend using the Visual FoxPro OLE DB provider as a replacement.” ODBC驱动分为32位和64位。只有编译为32位的应用程序才能调用32位的ODBC驱动。 "A 32-bit app uses a 32-bit ODBC driver even when installed on 64-bit Windows. But on ...
To install Windows Management Framework 3.0: 64-bit versions: WINDOWS6.1-KB2506143-x64.MSU 32-bit versions: WINDOWS6.1-KB2506143-x86.MSU 64-bit versions: WINDOWS6.1-KB2506143-x64.MSU 64-bit versions: WINDOWS6.0-KB2506146-x64.MSU 32-bit versions: WINDOWS6.0-KB2506146-x86.MSU Close all Windo...
运行以下命令管理员:x86(32位)打开C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe运行命令powershell Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSignedx64(64位)打开C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe运行命令powershell Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned您可以使用在CMD中:echo %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%在Powershell中:[Environment]::Is64BitProcess...
Use PowerShell remoting to loop back to the Opalis server and use the 64-bit environment. You can do this by using Invoke-Command $env:computername. This works well for lots of things where you might need to run the 64-bit environment, except where you are doing things li...
(1)Windows 2000R2 64-bit (2)服务器端并没有安装完整版本的SQL Server (3)通过Windows Features安装了Powershell 2.0 故障排查 === (1)确认以下组件已正确安装:(它们均属于SQL Server 2008 功能包: · Microsoft...
64-bit versions: WINDOWS6.0-KB2506146-x64.MSU 32-bit versions: WINDOWS6.0-KB2506146-x86.MSU Close all Windows PowerShell windows. Uninstall any other versions of Windows Management Framework 3.0. Run the MSU file that you downloaded. To uninstall Windows Management Framework 3.0: ...
Outputs which version (32-bit or 64-bit) of PowerShell is currently being run.## Requirements: There are no special requirements.FunctionGet-Bits(){Switch([System.Runtime.InterOpServices.Marshal]::SizeOf([System.IntPtr])){4{Return"32-bit"}8{Return"64-bit"}default{Return"Unknown Type"}}... 严格讲是这样: min(min(max(4GB,3RAM), 1/8*$PartSize),磁盘剩余空间-2GB) -2GB是留白 ...
How to upgrade from powershell 2.0 to 3.0 on a 64bit machine how to use .Foreach() method for a list in powershell? How to use DataGridView.Sort() Function in Powershell How to use Get-WmiObject to remote install or upgrade software? How to use gMSA account with Powershell? How to...