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使用HTTPS 协议时,命令行会出现如下账号密码验证步骤。基于安全考虑,Gitee 建议配置并使用私人令牌替代登录密码进行克隆、推送等操作 Username for 'https://gitee.com': userName Password for 'https://userName@gitee.com':#私人令牌 master 分支(1)
git clone --depth=1 https://gitee.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k.git ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k 2.配置 继续第二步中编辑 ~/.zshrc文件 open ~/.zshrc 设置ZSH_THEME如下 POWERLEVEL10K_MODE='nerdfont-complete' ZSH_THEME="powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k" 然后 source...
然后左上角 iterm2 -> preferences -> profiles -> Text > Change Font,将字体改成SauceCodePro Nerd Font 一个方便,实用的命令行主题 git方法 Gitee 镜像:继续第二步中编辑 ~/.zshrc文件 设置ZSH_THEME如下 然后 重启命令行输入 就会出现一系列问题选项式配置步骤 自行选择,之后不喜欢了可以再...
fonts add install script、Monaco font and powerline theme Jun 17, 2017 themes add install script、Monaco font and powerline theme Jun 17, 2017 README.md 转换为gitee,加速安装 Dec 8, 2020 install.sh Update install.sh Dec 11, 2020 oh-my-zsh-install.sh 转换为gitee,加速安装 Dec 8, 2020 ...
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捐赠前请先登录 取消 前往登录 登录提示 该操作需登录 Gitee 帐号,请先登录后再操作。 立即登录 没有帐号,去注册 编辑仓库简介 简介内容 主页 取消 保存更改 1 https://gitee.com/jonathon52306/powerline.git git@gitee.com:jonathon52306/powerline.git jonathon52306 powerline powerline develop深圳...
1.CopyMenlo for Powerline.ttfinto your~/.fontsdirectory. (Or any X font directory) $ cp "Menlo for Powerline.ttf" ~/.fonts 2.Update your fonts cache. $ fc-cache -vf ~/.fonts If you're in a terminal, you may or may not need to restart all windows before changes take effect. ...
Patch the font you use for your terminal: seepowerline-fonts If you struggle too much to get working fonts in your terminal, you can use "compatible" mode. If you're using old patched fonts, you have to use the older symbols. Basically reversethis commitin your copy. ...
POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_ACTIONFORMAT_FOREGROUND red The color of the foreground font during actions (e.g., REBASE). vcs symbols The vcs segment uses various symbols to tell you the state of your repository. These symbols depend on your installed font and selected POWERLEVEL9K_MODE from the Installati...