Leading provider of IGBTs and other high power semiconductor products- Our IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) and HVIGBT (High Voltage Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) modules have a v-range from 250V to 6500V and c-ranges from 35A to 2500A.
美国PowerexIGBT模块大量现存 深圳市格雷创科技有限公司全国范围内代理美国Powerex IGBT模块 ,品质 ,绕过国内中间渠道直接从原产国进口, 明显,货期快捷。美国Powerex IGBT模块 等产品相关库存、信息,我们将快速为您和服务。 可立即联系我们电话:0755-23000861或13602565586 传真:0755-2270 4880 企业QQ:4006380310(若此QQ无...
Powerex IGBT 模块 IGBT 电源模块驱动器 电源管理 评估板 供应商型号:835-1165-ND 更新时间:2025-03-12 库存:16 国内(7-18工作日) 香港(5-16工作日) 香港价格国内价格 1+202.62851¥1673.19911 -+ 起订:1 倍数:1 金额:¥1673.19911 立即购买+比价 ...
Powerex 单相 IGBT 逆变器输出电流 150A 电压 1200V 智能功能模块说明书 Powerex, Inc., 200 Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 (724) 925-7272 Intellimod™ Module Single Phase IGBT Inverter Output 150 Amperes/1200 Volts PM150DSA120 Outline Drawing and Circuit Diagram 653 □Inverters ...
Powerex IGBTMOD 模块说明书 Six IGBTMOD™ + Brake NF-Series Module 75 Amperes/1200 Volts CM75RL-24NF Powerex, Inc., 173 Pavilion Lane, Y oungwood, Pennsylvania 15697 (724) 925-7272 www.pwrx.com 1 10/10 Rev. 1Description:Powerex IGBTMOD™ Modules are designed for use in ...
Powerex's version 6 DIPIPM™ and 6.1 generation NX series IGBTs simplify the design of low- and medium-power inverters for various applications. 了解详情 6th Generation S-Series IGBTs Powerex's 6th generation S-Series IGBTs are improved versions of the earlier 5th generation A-Series and NF...
Powerex的IGBT驱动器支持高压解决方案 IGBT驱动器高压BiCMOSMOSFET等离子显示器马达驱动逻辑电路镇流器Powerex公司的新型高压IC(HVIC)利用其BiCMOS结隔离设计,为驱动马达驱动、镇流器、电源和等离子显示器等设备的MOSFET和IGBT提供600V和1,200V的电平平移和浮点逻辑电路。电力电子...
BG2J 是一款双通道栅极驱动电路板,它采用 Powerex VLA567-01R / VLA567-02R 双混合栅极驱动器和内置隔离式 DC-DC 转换器。BG2J 旨在为额定电流高达 1000A / 1200V 的双 IGBT 模块提供有效率的开关。BG2J 直接安装在 NX 和 DY 型封装上,可以通过直接焊接或使用无焊压配合型连接器。一对辅助 0.100 英寸双...
The Powerex POW-R-PAKTM is a configurable IGBT based power assembly that may be used as a converter, chopper, half or full bridge, or three phase inverter for motor control, power supply, UPS or other power conversion applications. The power assembly is mounted on a forced aircooled heatsi...
1 Rev. 11/08Description:Powerex IGBTMOD™ Modules are designed for use in switching applications. Each module consists of two IGBT T ransistors in a half-bridge configuration with each transistor having a reverse-connected super-fast recovery free-wheel diode. All components and interconnects are...