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[5] Ceccarelli L, Kotecha R M, Bahman A S, et al. Mission-profile-based lifetime prediction for a SiC MOSFET power module using a multi-step condition- mapping simulation strategy[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2019, 34(10): 9698-9708. [6] Shen Yanfeng, Liivik E, Blaa...
With this essay, we present the study of design and development of Power Electronic Capacitors (PEC) in IGBT inverters applications. When designing a capacitor, the choice of appropriate metallization and film profile determines the final product. Its influence on performance of a capacitor, such ...
这方面具体的过程可以参考当时IR此项目的负责人之一志宏老板的回忆录《赢得特斯拉ModelS IGBT合同的一段往事》。 Roadster的动力总成部分称为PEM(Power Electronics Module),占据了后备箱的前半部分,位于电池包之后,电机之上。PEM从2008年开始量产,1.5版本之前除了“Tesla Motors”的logo外,还有”PEM 185”的标识,意味输...
[17] HEUMANN K,QUENUM M.Second breakdown and latch-up behavior of IGBTs[C].1993 Fifth European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications.IET,1993. [18] TAKATA I.Non thermal destruction mechanisms of IGBTs in short circuit operation[C].Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on ...
标准模块(千瓦级)Power System in Package, PSIP 若干块功率器件、控制、接口、保护的裸芯片及表贴元件用厚膜技术集成在同一导热基板上,封装成模块。 功率无源元件集成 国内02年:DC/DC模块系统集成(浙大、西交) 本节要点 电力MOSFET和IGBT的开关特性、典型关断时间 各自的优缺点,主要应用功率、开关频率范围 开关...
汽车用IGBT模块验证规范,2018年4月由 ECPE 欧洲电力电子研究网络发布,标准名为AQG 324 Qualification of Power Modules for Use in Power Electronics Converter Units (PCUs) in Motor Vehicles,它前身是LV324,由汽车行业的厂商代表编制,包括奥迪,BMW,戴姆勒,保时捷,大众等 ...
AbstractWith the development of flexible DC transmission technology, high-voltage and high-power IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) has become an indispensable core component in DC power grid. Compliant press-pack IGBT has a wide application prospect in power grid because of its uniform pressure...
通过公式不难发现,要想在关断的时候控制集电极电流下降斜率,In1必须要有一定的话语权才可以,如何才能增加MOS沟道电子电流的比重呢? 有两种方法,一种是减缓IGBT的关断速度,另一种是向门极注入电子电流。两种方法目前都在IGBT门极驱动上均有较好的应用。减缓关断速度又有哪些方法呢? 增加电阻当然可以,但是带来的关断延...
IPOSIM – Infineon online power simulation tool for loss and thermal calculation of Infineon power modules and disk devices (PLECS). 嵌入式软件 嵌入式软件 Embedded software development Promwad Associated Partner Read More Embedded software development for power electronics is one of Promwad's key areas...