To customize the Power user menu, you can use my Win + X Menu editor app. Win+X Menu Editor is a free tool with an easy-to-use GUI to let you customize the Win+X menu. It does not patch any system files to disable the hash check. Using it, you can add or remove shortcuts t...
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In VBScript, this task would require a dozen or more lines of code. In Cmd.exe, you would have to use a complicated batch file. In Windows PowerShell, this task takes just one line:Copy Get-Content "c:\computers.txt" | foreach { $_; gwmi Win32_OperatingSystem -prop ServicePack...
One common use for a profile is to define custom aliases, as I suggested earlier. Or you can add custom PSDrives (these are essentially mapped drives that exist entirely within Windows PowerShell). A less common use is to create a sort of super-shell that can do any management task you...
As you can see the results are almost identical, and this example shows you have many different ways to accomplish any task using PowerShell with SQL Server. Putting it Together We’ve already seen scripts that create and back up our databases. Just to show one more example, we can use ...
一个 scriptblock 中的终止错误可能会导致终止Foreach-Objectcmdlet。 其他 scriptblock(并行运行)将继续运行,除非它们也遇到终止错误。 终止错误以ErrorRecord的形式写入错误数据流,其中包含PSTaskException的FullyQualifiedErrorId。 可以使用 PowerShelltry/catch或trap块将终止错误转换为非终止错误。
This second instance, now running in the background as the system user, starts a third instance, which will remain in memory as the actual service: PSService.ps1 -Service. It’s this last -Service instance that does the actual service task, which you customize for whatever...
Create All User Logon Scheduled Task Create and configure a shared printer in a GPO with powershell Create CSV for list of files and folders Create folder with current timestamp using powershell Create folders from CSV create hidden shares and set share permissions Create HTML body from file wi...
How to Add or Remove 'Open PowerShell window here' context menu in Windows 10 Windows 10 comes with Windows PowerShell 5.0 included. Windows PowerShell is a task-based command-line shell and scripting language designed especially for system administration. Built on the .NET Framework, Windows...
PartnerSetupAppTaskName - Windows 10 hardware dev UIDefaultDuration - Windows 10 hardware dev PinDiagnosticTiles - Windows 10 hardware dev SuffixSearchOrder - Windows 10 hardware dev GenericWifiCallingErrorMessage - Windows 10 hardware dev Schedule - Windows 10 hardware dev Driver Development Tools Ref...