To customize the Power user menu, you can use my Win + X Menu editor app. Win+X Menu Editor is a free tool with an easy-to-use GUI to let you customize the Win+X menu. It does not patch any system files to disable the hash check. Using it, you can add or remove shortcuts t...
Nov-03-20-powertoys-menu.png 正则表达式 简单搜索和替换足够用于大多数用例。 但是,在某些情况下,复杂的重命名任务需要更多控制。正则表达式可在此方案中提供帮助。 正则表达式为文本定义搜索模式。 它们可用于搜索、编辑和操作文本。 对于给定字符串,正则表达式定义的模式可能匹配一次、多次或根本不匹配。 PowerRename...
MSI packages can be installed from the command line allowing administrators to deploy packages without user interaction. The MSI package includes the following properties to control the installation options: ADD_EXPLORER_CONTEXT_MENU_OPENPOWERSHELL- This property controls the option for adding theOpen P...
Define my own hotkeys for menu choices Defining Parameters with Default Values not working delegate 'Create all child objects' permission in OU Delegate Rights to Add Computer Objects to a OU for one User with Powershell Delete Certificate from Remote Computer using Powershell script Delete content...
"collapseMenuDividerOpacity":0.16,"dropdownPaddingBottom":"15px","paddingBottom":"15px","dropdownMenuOffset":"2px","hamburgerBgHoverColor":"transparent","borderBottom":"1px solid var(--lia-bs-border-color)","hamburgerBorder":"none","dropdownPaddingX":"10px","brandMarginRightSm":"10px"...
Function MenuComplete # 设置 Ctrl+d 为菜单补全和 Intellisense Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key "Ctrl+z" -Function Undo # 设置 Ctrl+z 为撤销 Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key "Ctrl+a" -Function BeginningOfLine # 设置 Ctrl+a 为光标到行首 Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key UpArrow -ScriptBlock { [...
Step 1: Open start menu and type “gpedit.msc” in the search box, and double click to run local group policy editor.Step 2: Follow the route to do, User Configuration >> Administration Templates >> Start Menu and Taskbar. On the setting list, find “Remove and prevent access to t...
Get-WmiObject 是 PowerShell 中的一个命令,用于获取 Windows 管理信息 (WMI) 对象。WMI 是 Microsoft 提供的一种用于管理 Windows 操作系统的标准接口,它允许管理者通过脚本或命令行工具来查询系统信息、执行管理任务以及监控系统状态。 使用 Ge
SillyTavern (or ST for short) is a locally installed user interface that allows you to interact with text generation LLMs, image generation engines, and TTS voice models. Beginning in February 2023 as a fork of TavernAI 1.2.8, SillyTavern now has over 200 contributors and 2 years of indep...