Import files from the web Normally when you import a local on-premises file in Power Query Desktop, you'll use the specific file-type connector to import that file, for example, the JSON connector to import a JSON file or the CSV connector to import a CSV file. However, if you're usi...
Power Query Desktop gebruikt en het bestand dat u wilt importeren zich op internet bevindt, moet u de webconnector gebruiken om dat bestand te importeren. Net als in het lokale geval krijgt u de tabel te zien die de connector standaard laadt, die u vervolgens kunt laden of transformer...
Web.Contents Web.Contents用于检索不需要通过浏览器访问的 Web 内容,例如 CSV 文件、JSON API 结果等。 它支持各种身份验证选项。 它可以在云环境(如 Power Query Online)中使用,而无需网关。 Web.Page Web.Page是用于检索需要通过浏览器(如 HTML 页面)访问的 Web 内容的旧功能。
For more information about the Power Query Desktop get data experience for your app, go to Where to get data. Browse for and select the Excel workbook you want to load. Then select Open. If the Excel workbook is online, use the Web connector to connect to the workbook. In Navigator, ...
$false: Action buttons in connector cards are disabled. For more information about actionable messages in connected apps, see Connect apps to your inbox in Outlook on the web. Expand table Type: Boolean Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wild...
Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Connector for Power Query (Preview) provides connectivity to data sources supported by Power Query. Power Query is a technology that enables you to access and transform data from various sources using Excel/Power BI Desktop. The script generated by ...
从Web (One Drive) Blank Query 最后一种可以用来手动输入一些固定的参数 接下来的文章将着重从常用的Connector开始,详细解释怎么使用。 最新的数据连接器可以参考以下链接 Data sources in Power BI Desktop - Power Anyway,走出第一步总是好的。 总结 对于习惯于将文件存储在Google sheet上的朋友们来说,这个新的连接器解决了从0到1的问题,而且在肉眼可见的将来,它会越来越好。
SingleStore Direct Query Connector Siteimprove SolarWinds Service Desk Microsoft Teams 个人分析 (Beta) 温莎(beta) 空白查询 备注 此时,无法连接到使用 Microsoft Entra ID 保护的自定义数据源。 模板应用 选择“获取数据”窗口底部附近的“模板应用”链接后,可以查找组织的模板应用。
Query performance improvement Data connectivity and preparation Connect to Datamarts (Preview) Display name support for the Dataverse connector BitSight Security Ratings (Connector Update) Databricks (Connector Update) Eduframe Reporting (New Connector) ...