Create Power Query connectors Resources Atsisiųsti PDF Skaityti anglų kalba Įrašyti Įtraukti į Rinkinius Įtraukti į planą Bendrinti naudojant „Facebook“x.comLinkedInEl. paštas Spausdinti Straipsnis 2024-11-22
當您連線到 Power Query 中的數據時,Power Query 導覽器會建立兩個清單。 第一個清單包含整個活頁簿工作表,而第二個清單包含三個建議的數據表。 如果您在導覽器中選取整個工作表,則活頁簿會顯示在 Excel 中,並填滿Null的所有空白儲存格。 如果您選取其中一個建議的數據表,Power Query 能夠從活頁簿的配置判斷的...
Power Query-documentatie Wat is Power Query? Gegevens ophalen Gegevens transformeren Gegevensstromen Power Query-sjabloon (preview) Sneltoetsen Aanbevolen procedures Feedback en ondersteuning Geavanceerde onderwerpen Naslaginformatie over connectors Lijst met alle Power Query-connectors Database inzien ...
下表中的 Excel 資料行指出至少一個 Excel 版本上可用的所有連接器。 不過,並非所有 Excel 版本都支援所有這些指示的 Power Query 連接器。 如需所有 Excel 版本支援的 Power Query 連接器完整清單,請移至 Excel 版本中的Power Query 數據源。備註 發生已知問題, Expression.Error: The import [connector name] ...
Microsoft.hostintegration.connectors.dll 2.49.4831.201 5167328 17-Mar-18 00:17 x86 Microsoft.mashup.container.exe 2.49.4831.201 26336 25-Oct-17 03:11 x64 Microsoft.mashup.container.netfx40.exe 2.49.4831.201 26848 17-Mar-18 00:17 x64 Microsoft.mashup.container.netfx45.exe ...
The Power Query SAP HANA database connector now supports parameters in native queries. You can specify parameters in native queries by using theValue.NativeQuerysyntax. Unlike other connectors, the SAP HANA database connector supportsEnableFolding = Trueand specifying parameters at the same time. ...
Power Query-documentatie Wat is Power Query? Gegevens ophalen Gegevens transformeren Gegevensstromen Power Query-sjabloon (preview) Sneltoetsen Aanbevolen procedures Feedback en ondersteuning Geavanceerde onderwerpen Naslaginformatie over connectors Lijst met alle Power Query-connectors Database inzien ...
Der folgende Artikel über den Connector wird von SingleStore, dem Eigentümer dieses Connectors und Mitglied des Microsoft Power Query Connector Certification Program, zur Verfügung gestellt. Wenn Sie Fragen zum Inhalt dieses Artikels haben oder Änderungen an diesem Artikel wünschen, besuchen Si...
Connect to a PDF file from Power Query Online To make the connection from Power Query Online: Select thePDFoption in the connector selection. In the PDF dialog box that appears, either provide the file path or the URL to the location of the PDF file. If you're loading a local file, ...
Connect to a FHIR server from Power Query Desktop To make a connection to a FHIR server, take the following steps: Select theGet Databutton. SelectOther>FHIR, and then selectConnect. Enter the URL for your FHIR server. You can optionally enter an initial query for the FHIR server, if you...