如果在使用【来自表格 / 区域】命令时,“NamedRange” 被选中并显示在【名称框】中,Power Query 将避免对数据强制使用表格格式,而是直接引用命名范围中的数据。 (译者注:如果某区域是未命名区域,导入 Power Query 时会自动转换为表;而对于命名区域,选中其中任何单元格,导入 Power Query 都不会自动转换为表。) 这...
在Excel PowerQuery 中,您可以使用if和or函数来创建条件逻辑 以下是一个使用if和or函数的 PowerQuery 示例: 代码语言:javascript 复制 letSource=Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Table1"]}[Content],#"Added Conditional Column"=Table.AddColumn(Source,"NewColumn",eachif[Column1]="A"or[Column1]="B"then...
Power Query M type table [A = text, B = number, C = binary] // a table type with three columns named A, B, and C // of column types text, number, and binary, respectively 表类型的值还具有表值的键的定义。 一个键就是一组列名称。 最多只有一个键可以指定为表的主键。 (在 M 中...
and then selectOK. You can also clear theUse original column name as prefixcheck box. If you leave it selected, the merged column will be namedNewColumn.State Code(the original column name, orNewColumn, then a dot, and then the name of the column that's bei...
Power Query M [ x = 1, y = 2 ] The following example constructs a record withafield named a with a nested record value. The nested record has a field namedbwith value2. Power Query M [ a = [ b = 2 ] ] The following holds when evaluating a record expression: ...
Joins the rows oftable1with the rows oftable2based on the equality of the values of the key columns selected bykey1(fortable1) andkey2(fortable2). The results are entered into the column namednewColumnName. The optionaljoinKindspecifies the kind of join to perform. By default, a left ...
a new type of filter: relative time filter. The relative time filter allows you to filter to a smaller window of time, such as last 1 hour or last 1 minute. When the filter is applied to the page/report level, all visuals under that level are synchronized to the same time range. ...
,而被其他查询引用(比如有些工作中需要做不同阶段的数据检查、校验等),就需要对Power Query生成的...
For example, assume that the following Transact-SQL query defines a dataset named Sizes. The query uses a CASE statement to define a sort order value SizeSortOrder for each value of Size:Transact-SQL Copy SELECT Size, CASE Size WHEN 'S' THEN 1 WHEN 'M' THEN 2 WHEN 'L' THEN 3 ...
time. Going back to the example above, let’s say that one of the sources you are combining is about marketing and the other is about sales. You can now set up a deduplication rule on the source connection so the ‘Customer’ table from the marketing source is named ‘Customer (...