还有一种做法就是 if err[HasError] 因为这个属性是所有 Error 对象都含有的。 在中间步骤产生 Error 可以帮助我们早发现、早解决。但是我们的处理接下来的步骤不推荐围绕着错误进行。比如将 try otherwise 当作类似于 if then else 的用法,进行逻辑判断。尽量不要这样去做,因为带着报错走下一步可能会有无法估计...
If .Show <> 0 Then path = dig.SelectedItems(1) On Error Resume Next ThisWorkbook.Queries("路径").Delete ThisWorkbook.Queries.Add Name:="路径", Formula:= _ """ & path & """ & " meta [IsParameterQuery=true, Type=""Text"", IsParameterQueryRequired=true]" ThisWorkbook.Queries("路径"...
可以手动刷新 Power Query 查询,或者利用特定产品(例如 Power BI)中的计划刷新功能,甚至以编程方式(通过使用 Excel 对象模型)。 由于Power Query 为上述每个源提供与数百个数据源和 350 多种不同类型的数据转换的连接,因此可以使用来自任何源和任何形状的数据。
The M language is the data transformation language of Power Query. Anything that happens in the query is ultimately written in M. If you want to do advanced transformations using the Power Query engine, you can use the advanced editor to access the script of the query and modify it as you...
=IF(G1="","null",G1-F1) Answer 2: Use the UNDO or CTRL+Z (twice) or, once it automatically copied the formula you typed, an icon will appear once you press the ENTER. Click on that Icon, and it will show an options, then simply choose "Stop Automatically Creating Calculated Colu...
Power Query 相对于 Excel Formula 的劣势 不直接,需要在表格之外的地方专门的编辑和调试,而且每次调试...
Power Query M if 2 > 1 then 2 else 1 // 2 if 1 = 1 then "yes" else "no" // "yes" The following holds when evaluating anif-expression: If the value produced by evaluating theif-conditionis not a logical value, then an error with reason code"Expression.Error"is raised. ...
Power Query M 公式语言 Power Query M 公式语言的快速导览 Power Query M 语言规范 Power Query M 语言规范 简介 词法结构 基本概念 值 类型 运算符 Let 条件语句 函数 错误处理 节 合并语法 Power Query M 类型系统 表达式、值和 let 表达式 注释 计算模型 运算符 类型转换 元数据 错误 文本格式 函数 枚举...
If you want to observe the code that the Power Query editor is creating with each step, or want to create your own shaping code, you can use the advanced editor. To open the advanced editor, select theViewtab on the ribbon, and then selectAdvanced Editor. A window appears, showing the...
if you select a cell containing 0.049 in Excel, this number is displayed in the formula bar as 0.049. But if you import the same cell into Power Query and select it, the preview details display it as 0.049000000000000002 (even though in the preview table it's formatted as 0.049). What'...