换句话说,Excel 公式再溜,你一上手也不可能玩得转 Power Query M 语言里的公式;反之亦然,你可以...
"*.xls*", 1 .InitialFileName = ThisWorkbook.FullName If .Show <> 0 Then path = dig.SelectedItems(1) On Error Resume Next ThisWorkbook.Queries("路径").Delete ThisWorkbook.Queries.Add Name:="路径", Formula:= _ """ & path & """ & " meta [Is...
path = dig.SelectedItems(1) On Error Resume Next ThisWorkbook.Queries("路径").Delete ThisWorkbook.Queries.Add Name:="路径", Formula:= _ """ & path & """ & " meta [IsParameterQuery=true, Type=""Text"", IsParameterQueryRequired=true]" ThisWorkbook.Queries("路径").Refresh End If End ...
When importing Excel data, you may notice that certain number values seem to change slightly when imported into Power Query. For example, if you select a cell containing 0.049 in Excel, this number is displayed in the formula bar as 0.049. But if you import the same cell into Power Query...
excel excel-formula powerquery 在我的电源查询中,有一列显示了某些项目的不同持续时间,但它在尝试按时间或持续时间转换时显示了一个错误。 作为Excel表格旁边的一个解决方案,我创建了一个公式,可以将持续时间转换为我希望使用的格式,但我无法将该公式翻译成Power Query可以理解的语言(我对Power Query很陌生)。
The formula in J7 is =($G7>=J$6)*($G7<K$6)*$G7 This can be filled to the right to N7, then down. Catherine800 I'd enter the thresholds 0, 33,49.5 etc. in a row above the cells where you want the results. In the screenshot below, they are in J6:N6. I also added ...
It's easier to do with Power Query, but if with formula that could be for data like this we could add helper column C with formula =(SUMPRODUCT((VALUE( TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(IF(ISBLANK(A1),"0",A1)&";"&IF(ISBLANK(B1),"0",B1),";",REPT(" ",99)), ...
When importing Excel data, you may notice that certain number values seem to change slightly when imported into Power Query. For example, if you select a cell containing 0.049 in Excel, this number is displayed in the formula bar as 0.049. But if you import the same cell into Power Query...
When importing Excel data, you may notice that certain number values seem to change slightly when imported into Power Query. For example, if you select a cell containing 0.049 in Excel, this number is displayed in the formula bar as 0.049. But if you import the same cell into Power Query...
Excel、PowerQuery 和 ChatGPT 终极手册(下) 使用SUMIFS、SUMPRODUCT、AGGREGATE 和 MAX 函数查找数值数据 其中之一鲜为人知的事实是,当查找单个数值时,匹配和三角函数可能比查找函数更好。 例如,在图 5.14中,我们要返回发票“224-VV-004”的付款金额: