百度试题 结果1 题目"Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析
百度试题 结果1 题目Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 答案:解析: 权力导致腐败,绝对权力绝对导致腐败。
Power tends to corrupt, andabsolutepower corrupts absolutely. 试题答案 在线课程 答案: 解析: 权力导致腐败,绝对权力绝对导致腐败。 练习册系列答案 1加1阅读好卷系列答案 专项复习训练系列答案 初中语文教与学阅读系列答案 阅读快车系列答案 完形填空与阅读理解周秘计划系列答案 ...
2、Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.(权力使人腐化,绝对的权力绝对使人腐化。) 3、Great power brings great responsibility.(伟大的权力带来伟大的责任。) 4、Power is the ability to act, to do things.(权力是行动的能力,做事的能力。) 5、Power is not an end, but a means to...
Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. 下载作业帮APP学习辅导没烦恼 答案解析 结果1 举报 答案:解析: 权力导致腐败,绝对权力绝对导致腐败。 APP内打开 热点考题 2022年高考真题试卷及分析报告 349338 高考复习之挑战压轴题300题 212432 菁优高考复习终极押题密卷 164957 ...
Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This is an interesting saying. It’s very true. If you look at the world leaders with the most power, they are the most corrupt. When someone has so much power, they want more. Maybe power is like a disease. It eats into your ...
《读书》二○○一年第一期冯克利先生文 ,首引阿克顿名言“权力导致腐败 ,绝对权力导致绝对腐败”,此乃“Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts ablsolutely.”,”(“权力导致腐败,绝对权力绝对导致腐败”)之误译,意思与原文并不相同,也可说颇有出入。但此误译屡见不鲜,我已见过数十次之多,有时甚至在...
被这该出温别队被这该出温别队Power tends to corrupts, and absolute power corrupts___.被这该出温别队被这该出温
Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. 扫码下载作业帮搜索答疑一搜即得 答案解析 查看更多优质解析 解答一 举报 答案:解析: 权力导致腐败,绝对权力绝对导致腐败。 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答 特别推荐 热点考点 2022年高考真题试卷汇总 2022年高中期中试卷汇总 2022年高中...
The more powerful one is, the more unscrupulous one becomes.A: "I never should have appointed him head of the committee." B: "You need to call him in for a meeting before he thinks that he can do whatever he wants. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." ...