Absolute Power Corrupts AbsolutelyYu, Olivia
正如19世纪的一位英国贵族阿克顿勋爵(Lord Action)一针见血地指出的那样,“权力往往滋生腐败,而绝对的权力绝对导致腐败”。(Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.)事实上,虽然社会科学家和心理学家们对权力还没有那么彻底绝望,但只要你知道了这个世界上某些最有权势的统治者们的生活细节,...
类似于 "all-powerful" 的短语,可翻译成 葡萄牙文 all power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely todo poder corrompe, e o poder absoluto corrompe absolutamente 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“all-powerful"翻译成 葡萄牙文 变形 干 Gonzague is cunning, and an all-powerful ...
Power tends to corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutly. 「权力使人腐化,绝对的权力绝对地腐化」! 4. To infect with corruption or decay. 使腐败传染腐化或腐朽 5. Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely. 权力使人腐化;绝对的权力使人绝对的腐化。 6. The physiological activity ...
Power tends to corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutly. 「权力使人腐化,绝对的权力绝对地腐化」! 11. 3. The pressure of a gas is(directly) proportional to its absolute temperature when its volume remains constant. 当气体体积保持不变时,气体压力就和其绝对温度成正比。 12. It is abso...
Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely; great man are almost always bad man… There is no worse heresy than that the office sactifies the holder of it. Lord Acton, British historian 权力导致腐败,绝对权力绝对导致腐败。伟人几乎都不是完人……再也没有比神化掌权者更坏的异...
as you know. They say that it's more autocratic and less democratic. They say that political opponents and journalists have been killed and imprisoned in Russia. They say your power is unchallenged. And they say that power and absolute power corrupts absolutely. What do you say to those peop...
Absolute power corrupts absolutely and one can use this power for good, or to perpetrate evil.The darkness of the human heart is only limited by the evil nature of the individual.Mess with the bull and you get the horns - or in this case, fate. The king Who was the first and last ...
They want to turn back the clock to a time when the establishment enjoyed a complete monopoly over news and information, and if there’s one thing that history proves time and time again – absolute power corrupts absolutely. Here are a few examples of some of the greatest fake news ...